• #COVID-19
    EDITORIAL: Who Dies From the Vaccine?

    EDITORIAL: Who Dies From the Vaccine?

    No, we won’t all die from COVID-19. Even the unvaccinated will not all die from this virus. That’s what specialists, researchers, and epidemiologists say and I believe them. Annually, the most important c…
    16 October 2021
    Moldova Received from Japan a Grant Worth 355,000 US Dollars for the Modernization of Medical Equipment

    Moldova Received from Japan a Grant Worth 355,000 US Dollars for the Modernization of Medical Equipment

    Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday, September 29, that Moldova signed a Kusanone grant contract offered by Japan, amounting to 355,000 US dollars for the modernization of medical equipment at the Republi…
    04 October 2021
    The IMF will Start Negotiations with the Moldovan Authorities on a New Financial Support Program

    The IMF will Start Negotiations with the Moldovan Authorities on a New Financial Support Program

    The Representative of the International Monetary Fund in Moldova, Rodgers Chawani, announces that the IMF expert team led by Ruben Atoyan will start negotiations with the Moldovan authorities regarding a new fi…
    24 September 2021
    NATO and Hungary Donated to Moldova Medical Equipment Worth More than 1.4 Million Euros in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

    NATO and Hungary Donated to Moldova Medical Equipment Worth More than 1.4 Million Euros in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

    NATO and the Government of Hungary donated on Friday, September 17, to Moldova a batch of medical equipment containing 20 ventilation devices worth over 1.4 million euros. The donation was made following a requ…
    20 September 2021
    Humanitarian Aid For Moldova

    Humanitarian Aid For Moldova

    The Institute of Emergency Medicine received on Thursday, September 16, a batch of 370 thousand surgical masks. The donation was made by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the World Health Or…
    20 September 2021
    Moldova will Receive 24.8 Million Euros from the World Bank for the Purchase of Vaccines

    Moldova will Receive 24.8 Million Euros from the World Bank for the Purchase of Vaccines

    The Moldovan Government approved in a meeting on Wednesday, September 15, the draft ratification of the Agreement between Moldova and the World Bank on additional financing of 24.8 million euros for the purchas…
    20 September 2021
    EU-Moldova Relations and Their Development Prospects Were Discussed During a High-level Visit of EU Officials to Chișinău

    EU-Moldova Relations and Their Development Prospects Were Discussed During a High-level Visit of EU Officials to Chișinău

    A high-level visit of EU officials to Moldova takes place on September 13-15 with the participation of Katarina Mathernova, Deputy Director General for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations of the Eu…
    15 September 2021
    Chișinău Authorities will Send to the Breakaway Transnistrian Region over 5,000 Doses of the Anti-COVID-19 Vaccine

    Chișinău Authorities will Send to the Breakaway Transnistrian Region over 5,000 Doses of the Anti-COVID-19 Vaccine

    The authorities in Chișinău will send 5,104 doses of vaccine against COVID-19, 2,004 Pfizer, and 3,100 Johnson, procured by the Moldovan Government, to the health centers in the breakaway Transnistrian region,…
    13 September 2021
    Ministry of Health: “State of emergency declared at the national level from 10 September”

    Ministry of Health: “State of emergency declared at the national level from 10 September”

    The National Extraordinary for Public Health Commission established on Thursday, September 9, a state of emergency in public health at the national level starting with September 10 and until October 30. Thus, p…
    13 September 2021
    Romania Donates to Moldova 100,000 COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests

    Romania Donates to Moldova 100,000 COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests

    Daniel Ioniță, Romania’s ambassador to Moldova, participated on Friday, September 3, 2021, in the official ceremony of handing over a batch of 100,000 COVID-19 rapid antigen tests donated by Romania to Mo…
    06 September 2021


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