• Investigations
    INVESTIGATION: A General’s Uniform Adorned with Gold Thread – the Reason for a Lawsuit

    INVESTIGATION: A General’s Uniform Adorned with Gold Thread – the Reason for a Lawsuit

    Iaroslav Martin, who served as director of the State Protection and Guard Service until December 30, 2020, filed a lawsuit against the institution he led. Martin asks for a refund of the money that the institut…
    24 May 2021
    INVESTIGATION: The Undervalued Cars of Integrity Inspectors

    INVESTIGATION: The Undervalued Cars of Integrity Inspectors

    “Declare the real value of the goods!” urged the National Integrity Authority, in October 2020, in a video about the phenomena of declaring goods at ridiculous prices, especially practiced by offici…
    23 May 2021
    Blockage, Interests, and Accusations of Corruption in the Construction of a New Prison in Chișinău

    Blockage, Interests, and Accusations of Corruption in the Construction of a New Prison in Chișinău

    Seven years after the launch of a new penitentiary construction project instead of the current institution Penitentiary no. 13 in Chișinău, the works have not started yet. After an attempt to identify a company…
    29 April 2021
    The Moldovan Railway’s Report – 50 Million Euros Embezzled

    The Moldovan Railway’s Report – 50 Million Euros Embezzled

    A Special Parliamentary Commission presented on Thursday a report on the Moldovan Railway’s activity in the last decade. They found embezzlement of over 50 million euros. The Commission submitted the repo…
    22 April 2021
    The Moldovan Officials and their Luxurious Quarantine on Public Money

    The Moldovan Officials and their Luxurious Quarantine on Public Money

    In the pandemic year 2020, 11 state institutions – ministries and government agencies – paid over 100,000 euros from public money to rent villas located in a picturesque area, on the bank of the Nis…
    21 April 2021
    Diplomacy as Luxury or How Moldovan Embassies Bought Expensive Cars in a Pandemic Year

    Diplomacy as Luxury or How Moldovan Embassies Bought Expensive Cars in a Pandemic Year

    Last year, Moldova’s diplomatic missions spent more than 163,000 (3.5 million Moldovan lei) euros on the purchase of five new cars. The acquisition came in a pandemic year when the state health system was…
    19 April 2021
    April 7, 2009 – Moldova’s Shame at the European Court for Human Rights

    April 7, 2009 – Moldova’s Shame at the European Court for Human Rights

    Moldova has so far paid almost 345,000 euros for the inaction of law enforcement bodies following the events of April 7 and 8, 2009, after young people abused and tried in police stations found justice at the E…
    12 April 2021
    The Acquired Wealth of Defected Deputies

    The Acquired Wealth of Defected Deputies

    In 2020, the deputies who left their parties in the Parliament, on the background of some accusations of corruption, made several acquisitions. Ten of the 18 made purchases of tens of thousands of euros, and tw…
    12 April 2021
    The Head of Socialists and His Luxurious Cheap House

    The Head of Socialists and His Luxurious Cheap House

    The head of the Socialists in Parliament declared the house of millions in which he lives in his declaration of wealth after his eldest daughter donated the land on which the house was built After ZdG discovere…
    12 April 2021
    The Judge Famous for a 150,000 Dollars Bribe Was Kidnaped

    The Judge Famous for a 150,000 Dollars Bribe Was Kidnaped

    A Ukrainian judge famous for a 150,000 dollars bribe that he hid in a jar in his garden was kidnaped by an armed group. The Socialists accuse the Intelligence and Security Service of involvement. The Ministry o…
    05 April 2021


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