• Justice
    The criminal case in which Igor Dodon is accused of having demanded almost $1 mln from Plahotniuc, sent to the Supreme Court of Justice

    The criminal case in which Igor Dodon is accused of having demanded almost $1 mln from Plahotniuc, sent to the Supreme Court of Justice

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) informed on Thursday, October 6, about the referral of the criminal case accusing the former President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, of committing th…
    10 October 2022
    The General Police Inspectorate has applied to the court with a request to force the Chisinau City Hall to suspend the demonstrations organized by the “Shor” Party

    The General Police Inspectorate has applied to the court with a request to force the Chisinau City Hall to suspend the demonstrations organized by the “Shor” Party

    Representatives of the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) announce that on October 4, they have applied to the court with a request to force the Chisinau City Hall to suspend the demonstrations organized by t…
    10 October 2022
    The mandate of the interim Prosecutor General, Dumitru Robu has expired. Who will take over

    The mandate of the interim Prosecutor General, Dumitru Robu has expired. Who will take over

    Prosecutor Mariana Cherpec, the spokeswoman of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG), corrected the information provided earlier and said that “Eduard Bulat is to substitute the duties of the Prosecu…
    10 October 2022
    Judge Aureliu Postica accuses members of the Supreme Council of Magistracy of “abuse of power”

    Judge Aureliu Postica accuses members of the Supreme Council of Magistracy of “abuse of power”

    Judge Aureliu Postică, in respect of whom the members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) issued, on 9 September, the agreements to initiate criminal proceedings and carry out searches, accuses the memb…
    10 October 2022
    “Bank fraud” and the luxury planes of Ilan Shor and Vlad Plahotniuc – RISE Moldova

    “Bank fraud” and the luxury planes of Ilan Shor and Vlad Plahotniuc – RISE Moldova

    As money flew out of the three Moldovan banks involved in the “Bank Fraud”, Brazilian company Embraer delivered two new planes to two beneficiaries in Moldova. One Embraer Legacy 650 business class…
    03 October 2022
    Chisinau Court of Appeal partially upheld the appeal of prosecutors and extended the house arrest of socialist Igor Dodon to 30 days

    Chisinau Court of Appeal partially upheld the appeal of prosecutors and extended the house arrest of socialist Igor Dodon to 30 days

    Former Moldovan President Igor Dodon will remain under house arrest until 21 October. The Chisinau Court of Appeal examined on Tuesday 27 September the appeals filed by Igor Dodon’s lawyers and the prosec…
    03 October 2022
    Igor Dodon’s first hearing in the Energocom case, postponed due to the absence of one of the magistrates

    Igor Dodon’s first hearing in the Energocom case, postponed due to the absence of one of the magistrates

    The first hearing in the Energocom case was postponed to October 6, the reason being the absence of judge Alexandru Negru, who was “delegated to training courses”. Former President Igor Dodon, accus…
    03 October 2022
    Completion of criminal prosecution of a company director and two customs brokers who caused damages of more than six million lei to the state

    Completion of criminal prosecution of a company director and two customs brokers who caused damages of more than six million lei to the state

    The Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), jointly with the Customs Service, have completed the criminal prosecution of a company director and customs broker, who ca…
    03 October 2022
    The Constitutional Court partially admitted the application filed by the Superior Council of Magistracy for reviewing the Law on the status of judges

    The Constitutional Court partially admitted the application filed by the Superior Council of Magistracy for reviewing the Law on the status of judges

    The Constitutional Court (CC) has partially admitted the petition filed by the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) for the constitutionality review of the article that provides for the dismissal of the judge e…
    03 October 2022
    The prosecutor who ran for Head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has asked for a replacement for him as head of the prosecution group in the “bank fraud” case

    The prosecutor who ran for Head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has asked for a replacement for him as head of the prosecution group in the “bank fraud” case

    Anti-corruption prosecutor Octavian Iachimovschi has sent a request to the interim Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu asking for his withdrawal and the appointment of another head of the prosecution group in the &…
    03 October 2022


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