• Justice
    Why an episode of the case of illegal expulsion of Turkish teachers will be returned to the Chisinau Prosecutor’s Office? What the General Prosecutor’s Office and the lawyer of the wife of one of the teachers say

    Why an episode of the case of illegal expulsion of Turkish teachers will be returned to the Chisinau Prosecutor’s Office? What the General Prosecutor’s Office and the lawyer of the wife of one of the teachers say

    UPDATE: Ion Bocan, spokesman of the Chisinau Court of Appeal, told Ziarul de Gardă that only the Galina Tufekci episode in the case of illegal expulsion of Turkish teachers will be returned to the Chisinau Pros…
    18 February 2023
    The new Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, was presented to the staff of the institution. Dorin Recean: “The most difficult reform that Moldova has to carry out is that of justice”

    The new Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, was presented to the staff of the institution. Dorin Recean: “The most difficult reform that Moldova has to carry out is that of justice”

    Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru was presented to the institution’s staff by Prime Minister Dorin Recean on Friday, February 17. The head of the government said that the most difficult reform tha…
    18 February 2023
    16 Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice have resigned. But why?

    16 Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice have resigned. But why?

    On Tuesday, 14 February 2023, the Superior Council of Magistracy accepted the resignation applications submitted by 16 judges of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ). “Following the judges’ resignatio…
    18 February 2023
    General Prosecutor’s Office confirms it is investigating the legality of the gas procurement process

    General Prosecutor’s Office confirms it is investigating the legality of the gas procurement process

    Representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG) confirm the existence of investigations into the legality of the gas procurement process. Requested by Ziarul de Gardă, Violina Moraru, spokeswoman…
    17 February 2023
    Evaluation of non-judge candidates for positions in the Superior Council of Magistracy: Former judge Ludmila Ouș withdrew from the competition

    Evaluation of non-judge candidates for positions in the Superior Council of Magistracy: Former judge Ludmila Ouș withdrew from the competition

    The pre-vetting commission announced on Wednesday, February 15, that Ludmila Ouș, a candidate for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) from the list proposed by the Parliament, wit…
    17 February 2023
    Meeting of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, postponed for the second time in a row

    Meeting of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, postponed for the second time in a row

    The meeting of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) scheduled for Wednesday 15 February has been postponed due to lack of quorum. “(…) The quorum required to declare this meeting deliberative was no…
    17 February 2023
    Constitutional Court decision on powers of the Supreme Court of Justice in terms of re-evaluation of candidates in legal institutions

    Constitutional Court decision on powers of the Supreme Court of Justice in terms of re-evaluation of candidates in legal institutions

    The Constitutional Court (CC) has upheld the exceptions of unconstitutionality raised by the defenders of several judges, who challenged at the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) the decisions of the Pre-Vetting Co…
    16 February 2023
    Anti-corruption prosecutors: Vladimir Andronachi remains in pre-trial detention

    Anti-corruption prosecutors: Vladimir Andronachi remains in pre-trial detention

    The Chisinau Court of Appeals rejected on Tuesday, February 14, the appeal of Vladimir Andronachi’s defenders challenging the decision to extend the preventive arrest applied to the former Democratic depu…
    15 February 2023
    The Superior Council of Magistracy set the date of the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Judges

    The Superior Council of Magistracy set the date of the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Judges

    The General Assembly of Judges is to be convened on 17 March 2023, during which permanent members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) will be elected from among judges. At its meeting on 14 February, th…
    15 February 2023
    A new hearing in the Shor case postponed. Lawyers of the fugitive MP, fined

    A new hearing in the Shor case postponed. Lawyers of the fugitive MP, fined

    A new court hearing in the case of fugitive MP Ilan Shor has been postponed due to the non-appearance of defenders, including the foreign lawyer admitted to the trial and the lawyer appointed by the court, the…
    14 February 2023


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