• Justice
    “The bill adopted at the moment would have the opposite effect than the one intended.” Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office’s position on the draft delimitation of its competences

    “The bill adopted at the moment would have the opposite effect than the one intended.” Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office’s position on the draft delimitation of its competences

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) argues that the adoption by the Parliament of the draft providing for the delimitation of the competences of the PA and the National Anti-Corruption Centre (NA…
    08 April 2023
    “The dominator of Moldovan politics is preparing the ground for victimization”. What the people Andrei Spînu said should have “left office immediately” for “serving the Plahotniuc regime” say about him

    “The dominator of Moldovan politics is preparing the ground for victimization”. What the people Andrei Spînu said should have “left office immediately” for “serving the Plahotniuc regime” say about him

    Former Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Andrei Spînu, who is currently secretary-general of the presidential institution, has spoken of several people in the state’s legal structures &#…
    08 April 2023
    The criminal case initiated on the illicit enrichment of defector MP Victor Mîndru reached the magistrates’ table

    The criminal case initiated on the illicit enrichment of defector MP Victor Mîndru reached the magistrates’ table

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) announced on Wednesday, April 5, the completion of the criminal prosecution and referral to court for examination on the merits of the criminal case against fo…
    07 April 2023
    Three policemen from Bender are under investigation for facilitating illegal entry into Moldova of Ukrainian citizens in exchange for $4,000-5,000

    Three policemen from Bender are under investigation for facilitating illegal entry into Moldova of Ukrainian citizens in exchange for $4,000-5,000

    Three policemen from Bender are being investigated by prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) officers of the Internal Protection and Anti-Corruptio…
    07 April 2023
    Did the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice comply after the Commission for Emergency Situations obliged them to work, although they had previously submitted their resignations? The answer of the acting SJC president

    Did the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice comply after the Commission for Emergency Situations obliged them to work, although they had previously submitted their resignations? The answer of the acting SJC president

    Seven judges of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), whose requests for resignation were accepted by the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) and who were due to leave office on 31 March 2023, are obliged to con…
    06 April 2023
    Former president of Anenii Noi district brought to justice for exercising public duties in conflict of interest situation

    Former president of Anenii Noi district brought to justice for exercising public duties in conflict of interest situation

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (AP) announced on Wednesday, April 5, the completion of the criminal prosecution and referral to court for examination on the merits of the criminal case of indictm…
    06 April 2023
    During 2022, fines amounting to 79 thousand lei were imposed for refusal to provide information of public interest

    During 2022, fines amounting to 79 thousand lei were imposed for refusal to provide information of public interest

    In 2022, National Police investigators drew up 144 reports as a result of the examination of requests in which applicants alleged violations of the provisions of the Law on Access to Information. At the same ti…
    02 April 2023
    High-level corruption cases will be investigated by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. Bill supported in first reading

    High-level corruption cases will be investigated by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. Bill supported in first reading

    Parliament voted on Thursday, March 30, on the draft law that provides for the delimitation of the competences of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) and the National Anti-Corruption Centre (NAC)…
    01 April 2023
    The “moldovan” language replaced by “Romanian”, now also in the Constitution

    The “moldovan” language replaced by “Romanian”, now also in the Constitution

    Changes have been made on the legis.md website, where laws adopted by the legislature and promulgated by the head of state are published. Thus, now the state language of Moldova is officially Romanian, function…
    01 April 2023
    Results of the searches at one of the border posts of the National Agency for Food Safety. Financial means in different currencies were seized

    Results of the searches at one of the border posts of the National Agency for Food Safety. Financial means in different currencies were seized

    The National Anti-Corruption Centre (NAC) announces that anti-corruption prosecutors are to file on Friday, March 31, applications requesting the preventive arrest of 11 employees of the Giurgiulesti Border Ins…
    01 April 2023


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