• Justice
    How likely is Moldova to join the EU by 2030?

    How likely is Moldova to join the EU by 2030?

    “Moldova will join the European Union and this must happen by 2030,” President Maia Sandu told tens of thousands of people gathered on May 21, 2023 in the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN) at th…
    16 October 2023
    Cahul Mediation Centre – without mediators

    Cahul Mediation Centre – without mediators

    The lack of certified mediators in the southern part of the country to facilitate conflict resolution is the main reason why the citizens of Cahul almost never turn to the institution of mediation when they wan…
    15 October 2023
    Does Plahotniuc have a chance to get EU sanctions lifted?

    Does Plahotniuc have a chance to get EU sanctions lifted?

    European and international law expert Otilia Vatavu, an associate of the advocacy and public policy community “WatchDog.MD”, has prepared a study entitled “Does Plahotniuc have a chance to get…
    14 October 2023
    The Court of Appeal orders the Superior Council of Magistracy to examine again the request to initiate criminal proceedings against Judge Oleg Melniciuc, suspected of sexual harassment

    The Court of Appeal orders the Superior Council of Magistracy to examine again the request to initiate criminal proceedings against Judge Oleg Melniciuc, suspected of sexual harassment

    The Chisinau Court of Appeal annulled the decision of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) of 27 May 2022 rejecting the request of the Acting Prosecutor General of Moldova to issue the consent to initiate c…
    13 October 2023
    A former head of an Security and Intelligence Service directorate, a K1 fighter and his relative brought to justice for influence peddling

    A former head of an Security and Intelligence Service directorate, a K1 fighter and his relative brought to justice for influence peddling

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PAA) announced on Thursday, 12 October, the completion of the criminal proceedings and the referral to court for examination of the merits of the criminal case aga…
    12 October 2023
    Were the restrictions applied to representatives of the former Shor party, declared unconstitutional, proportionate? The Venice Commission’s opinion

    Were the restrictions applied to representatives of the former Shor party, declared unconstitutional, proportionate? The Venice Commission’s opinion

    Parliament’s amendments to the Electoral Code restricting the participation in elections of several representatives of the former Shor party for five years, declared unconstitutional in the meantime, cont…
    09 October 2023
    Former Romanian MP Cristian Rizea, expelled from Moldova, ordered to pay moral damages and publicly apologise to journalist Emilia Sercan

    Former Romanian MP Cristian Rizea, expelled from Moldova, ordered to pay moral damages and publicly apologise to journalist Emilia Sercan

    The Chisinau Court of Justice, Centre Court, has ordered former Romanian MP Cristian Rizea, declared an undesirable person and expelled from Moldova, to pay 25 thousand lei to Romanian investigative journalist…
    09 October 2023
    Tauber asked the Chisinau Court of Appeal to annul the decision of the CSE which established the criteria for persons who cannot stand for election. What the magistrates decided

    Tauber asked the Chisinau Court of Appeal to annul the decision of the CSE which established the criteria for persons who cannot stand for election. What the magistrates decided

    The magistrates of the Chisinau Court of Appeal rejected on Monday, October 9, as unfounded the action for regulatory control filed by former “Shor” party MP Marina Tauber against the Commission for…
    09 October 2023
    Searches in Durlești, almost three years after ZdG wrote about unauthorized constructions on state-owned forest land

    Searches in Durlești, almost three years after ZdG wrote about unauthorized constructions on state-owned forest land

    The Prosecutor General’s Office (PG) announced on Friday, October 6, that the law enforcement bodies have carried out searches, under a criminal case, on the land of the forest fund in the Durlești forest…
    06 October 2023
    What’s next after Stoianoglo was relieved of his post as Prosecutor General. The Superior Council of Prosecutors took note of the decree signed by the head of state

    What’s next after Stoianoglo was relieved of his post as Prosecutor General. The Superior Council of Prosecutors took note of the decree signed by the head of state

    The Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) took note at its meeting on Friday, October 6, of the decree signed by President Maia Sandu on the dismissal of Alexandr Stoianoglo from the position of Prosecutor Gene…
    06 October 2023


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