• Moldova Explained
    Information about the Ministers of the Future Government

    Information about the Ministers of the Future Government

    The list of ministers who will be part of the future Government led by Natalia Gavrilița was published on Tuesday, August 3. The government team includes members of the Action and Solidarity Party, as well as f…
    03 August 2021
    Former Minister of Defense Detained in a Case Related to the Godson of the Runaway Oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc

    Former Minister of Defense Detained in a Case Related to the Godson of the Runaway Oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc

    The former Minister of Defense in the Chicu Government, Alexandru Pînzari, was detained this morning by the officers of the Information and Security Service. He is investigated in the case related to Dorin Dami…
    30 July 2021
    The Shor Party Deputy’s Case in the Billion-Dollar Bank Fraud was Sent to Court

    The Shor Party Deputy’s Case in the Billion-Dollar Bank Fraud was Sent to Court

    The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office sent to court the criminal case in which the deputy of the Shor Paty, Denis Ulanov, is accused of fraud and money laundering, both crimes committed in particular pro…
    30 July 2021
    BREAKING NEWS: President Maia Sandu Appointed Natalia Gavrilița to the Prime Minister Position

    BREAKING NEWS: President Maia Sandu Appointed Natalia Gavrilița to the Prime Minister Position

    President Maia Sandu signed the decree appointing Natalia Gavrilița to the position of prime minister after the Action and Solidarity Party proposed her as their candidate for the prime minister position. Gavri…
    30 July 2021
    Constitutional Court Declares Unconstitutional the Socialist-Shor Decision by which the US Embassy was Deprived of a Land for Constructing a Diplomatic Complex

    Constitutional Court Declares Unconstitutional the Socialist-Shor Decision by which the US Embassy was Deprived of a Land for Constructing a Diplomatic Complex

    The Constitutional Court declared on Thursday, July 29, unconstitutional the amendments made by the Socialist-Shor parties that blocked the transfer of the Republican Stadium ground in use to the Embassy of the…
    29 July 2021
    A Socialist Deputy Oblige by Court to Publicly Apologize and Pay 1,000 Euros after Accusing the Presidential Adviser on Health of Having a Fake Master’s Diploma

    A Socialist Deputy Oblige by Court to Publicly Apologize and Pay 1,000 Euros after Accusing the Presidential Adviser on Health of Having a Fake Master’s Diploma

    Socialist deputy Alla Darovannaia was obliged by the Chișinău Court to apologize publicly and pay 1,000 euros for damage to the presidential adviser on health, Ala Nemerenco for spreading the fake information t…
    28 July 2021
    Five Employees of a Construction Company were Put on Trial after Producing Damages of over 2 Million Euros to 56 Investors

    Five Employees of a Construction Company were Put on Trial after Producing Damages of over 2 Million Euros to 56 Investors

    Five former employees of a construction company were put on trial after 56 investors in a building lost over 2 million euros. The defendants are accused of fraud, embezzlement of foreign property, abuse of offi…
    28 July 2021
    Six People Detained for Cigarrete Smuggling

    Six People Detained for Cigarrete Smuggling

    The Prosecutor’s Office jointly with the Intelligence and Security Service and the Customs Service announces that six citizens were detained being suspected of cigarette smuggling. According to the prosec…
    28 July 2021
    Three People were Sentenced to Six Years in Prison in the Billion-Dollar Bank Fraud Case

    Three People were Sentenced to Six Years in Prison in the Billion-Dollar Bank Fraud Case

    Three beneficiaries of some companies listed in the Kroll report were sentenced to six years in prison in the case of the billion-dollar bank fraud case. Andrei Nirauța, the leader of Caritas Group, Ala Guțu, a…
    26 July 2021
    Romania Donates to Moldova 100,000 Doses of Pfizer Vaccine

    Romania Donates to Moldova 100,000 Doses of Pfizer Vaccine

    The batch of 100,620 doses of Pfizer vaccine donated free of charge by Romania arrived in Chișinău on Friday, July 23. Romania has provided Moldova with a total of over 500,000 doses of the anti-COVID-19 vaccin…
    26 July 2021


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