• Cristian Jardan
    The No-Confidence Motion Did Not Pass

    The No-Confidence Motion Did Not Pass

    The current Government, led by Prime Minister Ion Chicu, remains in office. The no-confidence motion initiated by the Dignity and Truth Platform Party did not pass. Forty-six deputies voted for the no-confidenc…
    25 July 2020
    NGOs Call for a Moratorium on President Igor Dodon’s Initiative to Use Groundwater for Irrigation

    NGOs Call for a Moratorium on President Igor Dodon’s Initiative to Use Groundwater for Irrigation

    During the President Answers TV show, President Igor Dodon asked the Government to allow the irrigation of orchards and vineyards, using groundwater. Following his declaration, nearly 80 NGOs have issued a stat…
    25 July 2020
    A Former Anticorruption Prosecutor, Detained for Bribery, Might Be Criminally Investigated for not Fully Declaring His Assets

    A Former Anticorruption Prosecutor, Detained for Bribery, Might Be Criminally Investigated for not Fully Declaring His Assets

    The National Integrity Authority issued a statement regarding the former anti-corruption prosecutor, former prosecutor of the Soroca District Prosecutor’s Office, Dumitru Cernițu, establishing that he inf…
    15 July 2020
    PHOTO / Mass Protests in Baku. Hundreds of Protesters Have Called for a Military Offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh

    PHOTO / Mass Protests in Baku. Hundreds of Protesters Have Called for a Military Offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh

    Mass protests took place in front of the Baku Parliament on July 14, evening. Hundreds of Azerbaijanis have called for a major military offensive against Armenia, and several protesters have managed to force th…
    15 July 2020
    VIDEO/Protests Sparked in Belarus After Two of Lukashenko’s Rivals Were Barred from Running in the Presidential Elections

    VIDEO/Protests Sparked in Belarus After Two of Lukashenko’s Rivals Were Barred from Running in the Presidential Elections

    In Belarus, two representatives of the opposition, Victor Babaryko and Valery Tsepkalo were barred from running in the presidential elections. Babaryko and Tsepkalo were two heavyweight candidates, having the h…
    15 July 2020
    President Dodon Speaks About His Weekends at Sadova Resort

    President Dodon Speaks About His Weekends at Sadova Resort

    President Igor Dodon admits that he spends his weekends at the Sadova Resort but he denies that the resort belongs to him. Dodon claims that the resort will be open to the villagers in the future. During the Fo…
    15 July 2020
    Ten Cultural-Historical Monuments Will Be Refurbished from European Funds

    Ten Cultural-Historical Monuments Will Be Refurbished from European Funds

    Ten cultural-historical monuments, on both banks of the Nistru River, will be refurbished from European funds as part of the Confidence – Building Measures Program, funded by the EU and implemented by the…
    14 July 2020
    Hungary Issues an Entry Ban on All Moldovan Citizens

    Hungary Issues an Entry Ban on All Moldovan Citizens

    After the latest data on the international level showed an increase in COVID-19 cases, Hungary has announced new protection measures in the fight against COVID-19. The country aims to prevent a wave of domestic…
    13 July 2020
    President Igor Dodon States that on the Left Bank of the Nistru River Remained 16  Illegal “Border Guard” Structures

    President Igor Dodon States that on the Left Bank of the Nistru River Remained 16 Illegal “Border Guard” Structures

    President Igor Dodon announced that the self-proclaimed authorities in the breakaway Transnistria region installed  31 illegal “border guard” structures in the security zone since the beginning of the pand…
    13 July 2020
    Moldovan Judge Restores His High Position After Being Discharged 11 Years Ago

    Moldovan Judge Restores His High Position After Being Discharged 11 Years Ago

    Almost 11 years ago, former Judge Stanislav Sorbalo was fired. This week, the Superior Council of Magistracy decided to reinstate him as a magistrate. The Superior Council of Magistracy also ordered the payment…
    08 July 2020


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