ZdG Won a Prize in the “Reflecting the Phenomenon of Corruption in the Media” Competition Organized by Transparency International – Moldova

On December 9, 2021, on the International Anticorruption Day, Transparency International – Moldova (TI-Moldova) completed the 11th edition of the contest “Reflecting the phenomenon of corruption in the media” organized with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
ZdG journalist Victor Moșneag won third place in the competition for investigative journalists on corruption.
Contest details:
TI-Moldova launched the contest almost two decades ago to support and encourage journalists to reflect on the phenomenon of corruption. This year’s competition brought together 24 journalists who came up with 70 investigations published in the written and electronic media. The materials submitted to the contest were evaluated based on several criteria: the depth of the investigation, the quality of the argument, the ethical approach, the risk of the investigation, the effort made, etc.
The contestants showed good documentation skills, the ability to find and work with credible sources, diligence, and courage, managing to develop important topics such as political trajectory, voter corruption, fraudulent use of public money, illicit privatizations, misdeeds in public-private partnerships, illicit enrichment of public dignitaries, public procurement schemes, cryptocurrency business, etc. The journalists came with vast factual baggage that should be taken into account by the law enforcement bodies, the reaction and prompt actions of which are expected by the whole society.
As a result of the evaluation, the jury decided to award the grand prize to Mariana Rață (TV8), the second place went to Pavel Păduraru (freelancer), the third place went to Juliet Savitchi (Center for Journalistic Investigations in Moldova) and Victor Moşneag (Ziarul de Gardă).
The agenda of the event also included the launch of the traditional TI-Moldova collection – “Journalists against Corruption – XI” which includes the investigations submitted to the contest.
Following the competition, TI-Moldova plans to launch in February 2022 a scholarship program for investigative journalists. TI-Moldova also continues to support investigative journalists by providing legal advice.
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