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ZdG, the First Among the Newspapers that Enjoys the Highest Confidence

According to a study launched by the Independent Press Association on the perception of the phenomenon of misinformation and manipulation by the media consumers in rural localities, Ziarul de Gardă is the source that enjoys the highest confidence from the readers.

The data show that about 39 percent of the study participants gave to the Ziarul de Gardă a great deal of confidence, and another 51.3 percent – some confidence. Thus, ZdG ranks first in the top of periodicals after the level of consumer confidence.

The readers also trust the website of the Ziarul de Gardă. According to the study, in the case of news portals, Ziarul de Gardă is ranked fourth by the level of confidence in the information communicated.

The research was carried out by the Center for Sociological Research and Marketing CBS-Research, at the command of API, between August 5, 2019 – September 9, 2019, on a sample of more than one thousand respondents from the rural area, among people aged over 18 years.

According to the study, more than half of the respondents (58.5 percent) consider that in Moldova there are media institutions that propagate and manipulate the citizens and only 31.4 percent say that the media transmits/publishes real news. 

Similarly, only 24.6 percent of respondents believe that the media is free and transparent. At the same time, every fifth respondent claims that in our country there are media institutions that disseminate false information in a premeditated manner. 

Asked to mention the media that broadcast fake and manipulative news, respondents noted, first and foremost, television channels.

Diana Gaţcan, [email protected]