Weekend digest: From Constitutional Court decisions to EU recognition of the new Government
The June 7-9 2019 weekend can become an important period in the history of the Republic of Moldova. The course of events started with decisions by the Constitutional Court, criticized by law experts and a parliament majority formed by PSRM (The Socialist Party of RM) and the ACUM Bloc, and ended with a press release written by the European Union showing its openness to collaborate with the “Legitimate Government elected yesterday in Chisinau.”
The official course of events started on saturday, June 8, when a “temporary” parliament majority was formed between PSRM and the ACUM Bloc, with the goal “to free the state of oligarchy”’ and “to free the state of captivity”.
Earlier, in the evening of June 7, 2019, the Constitutional Court which is controlled by representatives of PDM, declared any ulterior actions of the Parliament as illegal, claiming that, according to the law, the term of three months to form a Government has expired on June 7.
However, on Saturday, June 8, the coalition formed by PSRM and the ACUM Bloc, initially voted Zinaida Greceanîi in the role of speaker (of parliament). Subsequently, after consulting parliamentary factions of PSRM and ACUM Bloc, Igor Dodon designated Maia Sandu as candidate to the role of Prime-Minister.
The candidacy was aproved unanimously. A new Cabinet of ministers led by Sandu was sworn in immediately after the close of the Parliament session.
- Guvernul a fost învestit. Maia Sandu: „Haideți să asigurăm o tranziție pașnică a puterii!”
- The Government was sworn in. Maia Sandu: “Invitation to assure a peaceful transition to power!”
Also on Saturday, the Parliament dismissed, through a majority of votes, the SIS Director and the Head of CNA, amd offered the President of the country the competence to name the head of the SPPS (The State Protection and Guard Service). Parliament members (Parliament deputies) also aproved “a declaration condemning the attempt to usurpation of power in favor of the Democratic Party of Moldova and Vladimir Plahotniuc by the Constitutional Court.””
On the background of events from the Parliament, Vladimir Plahotniuc, PDM leader, named the actions of the PSRM-ACUM majority “an attempt at a coup détat” and declared that the President Igor Dodon has allegedly lost legitimacy, asking for his demission.
As an argument, PD published video segments from the negotiations between Dodon and Plahotniuc regarding the forming of a PDM-PSRM coallition, which allegedly took place on June 7.
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- VIDEO/ Discuția dintre Plahotniuc și Dodon. Cum, de fapt, se duc negocierile în politică
- VIDEO/ Discussion between Plahotniuc and Dodon. How political negotiations are actually held
Shortly, addressed by PD, the Constitutional Court decided in a timely fashion, wihtout seeing the Parliament decrees, that Parliament’s activity is illegal, as well as the naming of the new Government and Speaker.
- La o oră după ce PDM a anunțat că sesizează CC, judecătorii au luat deja o hotărâre
- CC a declarat neconstituțional decretul privind numirea Maiei Sandu în funcția de premier
Meanwhile, in front of the Government (building), of ministries and other state institutions, people claiming to defend the state have installed tents. Among the protesters, PD members were identified.
In the morning of June 9, the Parliament started with a session in which the deputies aproved a declaration on the illegality of the Filip Cabinet.
„Parliament ascertains the usurpation of power in the state by the former anti-popular governance, which has lost the trust of citizens and of the international community and instead of democratically surrendering power, has decided to go the route of destabilization and violence. The Parliamentary body, chosen during the February 24, 2019 elections, declares the Filip Government as being outside the law, and requests the Democratic Party to eliminate mercenaries from state institutions,” Maia Sandu read from the declaration adopted by Parliament.
Subsequently, the Constitutional Court, formed by three former PDM parliament members and by other persons accused of subordination to the party led by Vladimir Plahotniuc, issued a new decision which established the justifying circumstances for naming an interim president of the R. Moldova, in the conditions in which Igor Dodon did not issue a decree for the Parliament’s dissolution.
- Curtea Constituțională a Democraților. Cine sunt și cum au ajuns în funcție judecătorii care au declarat ilegal noul Guvern de la Chișinău
- The Constitutional Court of the Democrats (PDM). Who are the judges that declared the new Government illegal.
The Constitutional Court was adressed by PDM deputies Serghei Sîrbu, Igor Vremea și Vladimir Cebotari, to weigh in on the justifying circumstances for naming an interim President of the Republic of Moldova.
- La scurt timp după ce l-a suspendat din funcție pe Igor Dodon, Curtea Costituțională a constatat și circumstanța care justifică dizolvarea Parlamentului.
- Shortly after dismissing the President of Moldova Igor Dodon, the Consitutional Court also identifies the circumstance that justifies the dissolution of Parliament.
In the meantime, Pavel Filip, designated by the CC as interim President, signed a Decree regarding holding early parliamentary elections on Friday, September 6, 2019.
„This is a reasonable term, so that all election participants have the possibility to prepare, on one hand, and on the other hand, for govenment institutions to be able to organize the early elections in the best conditions” declared Filip, who signed the document under the applause of Government employees yet thereafter claimed that PDM did not wish for early elections.
In the meantime, PD brought several thousand supporters to Chisinau to protest.
- VIDEO/ La bronzare sau la protest? Rezumatul manifestației PDM
- VIDEO/ Comportament de democrat. Reportera ZdG, bruscată de un ex-deputat PDM și de un protestatar
- LIVE/ Protestatarii, în fața Președinției: „Plahotniuc- președinte!”
- VIDEO/ Curcani aruncați de PDM-iști peste gardul Președinției. „Se comportă cu animalele și cu oamenii la fel cum s-ar comporta
In the evening, following the first reactions from Romania, the official reaction of the European Union was communicated.
„The European Union takes good note of the decisions taken yesterday by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, including on the formation of the government coalition.”, according to the statement Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the political situation in the Republic of Moldova
In the same context, the European Union declares its readiness to collaborate with the democratically legitimate government, basing the collaboration on the commitments and principles set forth in our Association Agreement.