Principală  —  Important   —   Veronica Dragalin comes up with…

Veronica Dragalin comes up with evidence: “I received questions from the PSC and sent answers and appropriate documents on various issues, including disciplinary procedures”

The Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), Veronica Dragalin intervenes with a reply in the scandal related to the competition for the head of the PA. Dragalin claims that while participating in the competition, she “received questions from the CSP and sent answers and appropriate documents on various topics, including disciplinary procedures, medical certificate, higher education and law degree” and made public several emails of correspondence.

The head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office came with explanations about the competition for her appointment to the post in 2022.

“For those who still have questions or are curious about the competition for the position of Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, I can state that I had several communications with the PSC apparatus in order to concretize some aspects in this process which, for the first time in the history of the Republic of Moldova, allowed a prosecutor with education and experience outside the country to apply for this position according to the law recently adopted by the Moldovan parliament,” Dragalin wrote.

“In the competition process, we received questions from the PSC and submitted answers and appropriate paperwork on various topics, including disciplinary procedures, medical certificate, higher education and law license. I am attaching some of the submissions here to leave no room for misinterpretation. After these communications I also had a public interview in front of all PSC members, who had the opportunity to ask me anything. In the end, this board named me the winner of the public competition,” she added.

“I am sure that those who have been attacking me for the past few months will not be satisfied with these explanations, but I very much hope that citizens who are not familiar with a foreign system but want to be informed and documented by reliable sources will find this information useful,” Dragalin also writes.

The chief prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), Veronica Dragalin, is targeted in a scandal related to the 2022 competition for the head of the PA. In a separate opinion by three members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) against a 2022 decision of the Council, it is mentioned that Veronica Dragalin’s higher education degrees, obtained in the US, were allegedly presented in copies and not equivalent in Moldova.