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V. Voronin and the Moldovan Government knew about the “attempted coup”

President V. Voronin and the Moldovan government knew about what they called “attempted coup”, with at least 2 weeks before voting day. There is no doubt that the state has coordinated all actions that were to happen to get the image laundering PCRM, defamation and destruction of opposition, legalization election results despite the fraud, and the in case of repeated elections, to be gained from New PCRM using maximum image «vandals».
OPINION independent candidate Stephen Urîtu to the events in the capital of 6-8 April 2009
A review shows the following:
President V. Voronin and the Moldovan government knew about what they called «attempted loviturii state, with at least 2 weeks before voting day. Now that there is no doubt that the state has coordinated all actions that were to happen to get the image laundering PRCM, defamation and destruction of opposition, legalization election results despite the fraud, and the in case of repeated elections, to be gained from New PCRM using maximum image «vandals».
In support of this claim brought following arguments:
V. Voronin’s statement, which shows explicitly that He knew such attempt, but he brought no proof of action taken by him to prevent it;
Cynicism with which V. Voronin commented exitpolului results, which shows that the PCRM is sure of victory and that there will need partners in government formation. This seemed even defiant cynicism;
Certain groups of people that will insist the idea of revolt;
Passivity with which the State had responded within two days of street protests to 6.04.2009 (peaceful but without response from the authorities) and 7.04.2009 (violent, but no response from the appropriate state bodies. Even standing up and firemen talking to smile when some offices in Parliament already burning, and other enigmatic glow despite the fact that there «working» fire department;
Behavior President V. Voronin, on 8.04.2009 and comments on what has happened, which shows clearly the will to establish dictatorship.
The actions of the state in force on April 8 and later, clearly oriented towards reckoning, intimidation and restriction of freedom of expression and freedom to peaceful assembly;
From discussions with other protesters in various periods of ongoing protests can deduce that crowd has gathered at the initiative of a group of NGOs, which on April 6 showed peaceful, but many were shocked that the PCRM has used all sorts of manipulations with the electorate, having public money to assist the Communist Party and abuzând all the resources of the State.
State authorities have not reacted in the proper way to prevent the disaster that occurred, leaving it on behalf of persons who under the risk of being accused of organizing vandalism, demonstrating civic responsibility, made attempts to get under control for many prevent tragic situations.
In the same series of ideas to include statements made by President V. Voronin on the involvement of Romania and the European Union in organizing «attempt loviturii state, relying only on the fact that the flags of the two entities have been flies on the premises of the Presidency and Parliament, together with the Republic of Moldova. It is known aspiration pro-Romanian and pro-European of a growing number of residents of Moldova.
Based on the above says the following:
Events that occurred on 7 April 2009 reiterates that any power is delegated by the people and that it be exercised on behalf of the entire nation, respecting human rights. Any statements by state authorities to be cautious, balanced and truly emanate from any person, especially when it comes to representatives of over 50% of voters (since the PCRM gained only 49.48% of votes );
The state leaders are guilty of PCRM challenges demonstrations that degenerated into rebellion with the track problems, therefore they must share criminal liability along with the protesters-provoking;
Consider as protesters entitled suspicions regarding election rigging, falsification that occurred including bribing voters, the state authorities were therefore obliged to give protesters and security guarantees on the rights of tens of thousands of protesters, gathered in the Great Market National Assembly (after all if ignorance guarantees could also be accepted!)
It is necessary to establish an independent investigation of events that occurred on days 6, 7, and 8 April, but later. In this respect the relevant inquiry should be international, or at least, a National Committee composed by competent persons proposed parity of both parties.
Stephen Urîtu,
Independent candidate for the position of Member of Parliament

N.B. This text was translated by our readers.

Published on April 10.

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