Unjustified wealth of over 245 thousand lei, detected by ANI on one of the godsons of the former head of the IGP Gheorghe Cavcaliuc, who is head of a directorate within the Inspectorate

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) has found that the head of the International Relations and Foreign Assistance Directorate of the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Negura, violated the legal regime of declaration of assets and personal interests.
At the same time, ANI found a substantial difference and possession of wealth of an unjustified nature, in the amount of more than 245 thousand lei for 2017, a difference that was found between the income obtained and expenses incurred, on the one hand, and the wealth acquired, on the other hand during the exercise of public functions with special status by Vladimir Negura.
“The integrity inspector did not take into account the amounts donated by Vladimir Negura’s parents, namely 100 000 lei – 2017, 20 000 euro (395 970 lei) – 25.08.2019 and 50 000 euro (988 630 lei) – 13.04. 2020, in total, donations in the amount of 1 484 600 lei were made, because the subject of the declaration could not prove the origin of the donated sums and according to the information gathered and processed it is observed that his parents would not have had the financial means to make the donations indicated by Vladimir Negura in the declarations of wealth and personal interests for the years 2017, 2019 and 2020”, it is stated in the act of finding.
Ziarul de Gardă wrote in December 2015 about Vladimir Negura, who is the godson of former IGP chief Gheorghe Cavcaliuc, the current leader of the Home Build Europe (PACE) party. He is said to have obtained in one year the rank of major and then that of lieutenant colonel of the police, according to police sources.
The finding act can be challenged in the order laid down by the law.
Once the final decision has been taken, ANI will refer the matter to the court with a view to ordering the confiscation of the unjustified assets, and the management of the authority responsible for appointing the person subject to control will be referred to the court with a view to terminating his employment or service relationship.
He/she will also be disqualified from holding a public office or office of public dignity, except for eligible offices, for a period of 3 years, with entry in the State Register of persons prohibited from holding a public office or office of public dignity.