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University lecturer taken by the police during school classes

Today, in the time interval 1 — 2 pm, at the Technical University from Moldova (Universitatea Tehnică din Moldova) the lecturer ALexandru Olevschi was taken right during the school classes.
His faculty colleagues explained us that Alexandru was taken from the faculty, right during the time when we has teaching. “Today he taught a lesson together with another lecturer. This way his colleague was left alone. Nobody told us what happened, they took it and that was it”, told us with half mouth his colleagues, adding that his retention is in the context of the street manifestations from the last week.

Valeriu Dulghieru, the chief of the Chair in which Alexandru Olevschi works, told us that he is a very serious young lecturer. “I’ve never seen any type of aggression at him. But we know that he has a very clear civic position. He is also member of a non political organization “Basarabia – Romanian Land (Basarabia — pământ românesc)”. But I don’t believe that his civic was affecting the learning process”, said Dulghieru.

Three hours after Alexandru’s retention, we’ve contacted the Police Ciocana sector. The police man duty told us that this person is not in their registers. “Here we’ve got hundreds of people. Give us the name of the person that investigates the case, otherwise I cannot search for him”, said the offices in duty, declaring that he cannot communicate neither how many people are detained in this police station at the moment.

From other sources we’ve found out that on March the 26th, the friend of Alexandru Olevschi, faculty colleague and member of the organization “Basarabia — Romanian Land” was arrested. The authorities tried to prevent the proceeding of the events from March the 27th this way.

Translator Note:

On March the 27th, Romanian people from Basarabia are celebrating the day of the Union with Romania that took place in March the 28th, 1918.

N.B. This text was translated by our readers.

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