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Uncovered smuggling scheme involving more than 30 motor vehicles and automotive products worth about 11 million lei

The Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), together with the National Investigation Inspectorate (INI), have uncovered a smuggling scheme involving more than 30 motor vehicles and other automotive products worth about 11 million lei.

Law enforcement officers established that the vehicles concerned were stolen from European Union countries and then had their bodywork identification features altered. According to the PCCOCS, they were then smuggled into Moldova and, after being removed and registered, offered for sale to customers in the country.

After more than 40 searches in Chisinau, one car, 33 motorised vehicles of various types (ATVs and SSVs) and car/motorcycle parts, worth a total of about 11 million lei, were seized and seized.

“At this stage of the investigation, PCCOCS prosecutors have assigned suspect status to six persons, who are currently availing themselves of the presumption of innocence under the law. Investigations are continuing in order to establish all the circumstances and persons involved,” PCCOCS announces.

Prosecutors advise citizens to exercise the utmost caution and diligence when purchasing transport units.