Two Ukrainian citizens arrested for smuggling over 440,000 euros

The Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) announces the termination of criminal prosecution and indictment of two Ukrainian citizens, who in April 2023 smuggled more than 440,000 euros into Moldova, a statement said on Friday, June 30.
“The two remain in pre-trial detention at the request of PCCOCS prosecutors, and the case is to be examined by the Comrat Court, Vulcanesti headquarters. According to the Criminal Code, they face a sentence of 4 to 10 years in prison, and until a final court decision is handed down, they are presumed innocent, according to the law,” the statement said.
The money was hidden in a car audio speaker
According to PCCOCS representatives, the two Ukrainian citizens are from the Odessa region and are aged 32 and 39. “The older of them entered Moldova via Vulcanesti in the afternoon hours, without declaring at customs that he was carrying the sum of money in question, concealed in an audio speaker in the car he was driving.”
The money was seized and made a criminal offence and the cars were seized.
“They left for Chisinau, but on entering Cimislia, their car was stopped by the police, based on operational information. At the inspectorate, the audio box taken from the trunk of the car was examined, and as a result of the investigations the money was seized and became a criminal offence. At the request of PCCOCS prosecutors, both cars were seized for subsequent confiscation for the benefit of the state, as goods used in the commission of smuggling,” according to the release.