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The United States and Moldova Cooperate in Consolidating the Rule of Law

During a working group meeting, the governments of the United States and Moldova agreed to cooperate in five specific areas to strengthen the rule of law and good governance.  

On January 27, representatives of the U.S. and Moldova governments held a working group meeting on rule of law and good governance under the U.S.- Moldova Strategic Dialogue. 

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Jorgan K. Andrews and Moldovan Minister of Justice Fadei Nagacevschi chaired the dialogue, which included interagency and civil society representation from both countries.

This meeting highlighted the commitment of both countries to deepen cooperation on promoting rule of law and combating high-level corruption in Moldova. 

The United States and the Republic of Moldova agreed to cooperate in five specific areas for strengthening the rule of law and good governance, including:

  • undertaking meaningful justice sector reforms;
  • strengthening corruption-fighting institutions;
  • promoting a free and vibrant press and civil society;
  • improving government transparency;
  • defending the human rights of all citizens. 

The United States and Moldova reaffirmed their ongoing commitment to deepen the bilateral partnership and continue working together to fight corruption, protect independent institutions, and institute the impartial justice that the Moldovan people deserve.