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The State Budget Law Voted: Undemocratic, Lacking Transparency and Violating the Procedures

The Socialist-Shor majority in parliament voted the State Budget Law for the year 2021. The opposition parties highly criticized the law, accusing it of unconstitutionality, lacking transparency, and covering big corruption schemes.

The opposition parties criticized the decisions saying that they “were not made for the benefit of Moldovan citizens but to cover more corruption schemes.”

The State Budget Law was voted in the first reading in a similar manner on December 3 when the opposition blocked the central rostrum of the Parliament. All the opposition’s amendments were ignored and the projects passed.

Deputies of the Action and Solidarity Party declared that the budged law is unconstitutional and claim to submit several notifications to the Constitutional Court.

“We should analyze it with other colleagues and should not allow these laws to remain in force. Those who voted for the laws will not escape the political responsibility in the early parliamentary elections.”

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs came with a reaction too noting that, despite Moldova’s international partner’s critique, including Romania, the parliamentary Socialists-Shor coalition continues to adopt laws with negative effects on Moldova’s development, its financial stability, and international credibility.

“As Moldova’s main partner, Romania reiterates its concern about the undemocratic and non-transparent decisions made, without adequate public consultation and ignoring the parliamentary procedures”, says the communiqué.

Another reaction came from Siegfried Mureşan, Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee. He condemns the decision of the Moldovan parliamentary majority to adopt the State Budget Law and other important laws.

“The adopted laws will have a negative impact on Moldova’s development. These laws are being challenged by civil society representatives, the Moldovan opposition, and international partners. The Parliament lost its credibility in front of the European partners and will regain it only by returning to the path of respecting the law, the constitution and the European democratic values​​”, the Member of the European Parlament says.