The State Budget for 2022 was Approved by the Parliament

The draft law on the state budget for 2022 was approved on Wednesday, November 25, by parliamentarians, in the first reading, with 57 votes.
According to the document, the revenues to the state budget will constitute, next year, 2.5 billion euros, increasing by 9.2% compared to the current year. The total expenditures are estimated at 3.2 billion euros, more by 13.1% compared to 2021. The state budget deficit will amount to 700 million euros.
In terms of expenditure, allocations are foreseen to increase the aid for the cold period of the year and to increase the number of beneficiaries of this aid. It will also continue to partially offset the costs of natural gas and heat bills for households, as well as extend the coverage of projects under the National Regional Development Fund.
The main sources of financing the budget deficit will be external sources (net inflows from external loans for budget support and implementation of projects financed from external sources) and internal sources.
The balance of the state debt on December 2022 will be 5 billion euros and will not exceed 40.4% of GDP.
For 2022, the Government forecasts economic growth of 4.5%, average annual inflation of 6.9%, an increase of exports of 10.6% and imports – of 5.1%, and an increase of the average wage per economy with 10% compared to the current year.