Principală  —  Important   —   The Report of the National…

The Report of the National Integrity Authority

The National Integrity Authority drafted an activity report for the first half of 2020 that comprises the planned activities and the results during the reporting period.

According to the report, the Integrity Inspectorate registered a 63 percent increase in the number of minutes that led to the initiation of checks compared to the similar period of the previous year. This increase in the number of checks is due to an increase in the number of inspectors employed within the National Integrity Authority.

Thus, during the reporting period, the integrity inspectors drew up 197 minutes for control regarding the observance of the legal regime of personal property and interests (57 persons checked), conflicts of interest (57 persons checked), incompatibilities (81 persons checked), restrictions (one person checked) and limitations (one person checked).

The National Integrity Authority verified 73 public dignitaries, including the current President of Moldova, 20 deputies, one Secretary of State, one member of the Council of Magistracy, 14 prosecutors, five judges, four district presidents, three vice-presidents, 23 mayors, one deputy mayor.

Moreover, 19 civil servants, 31 officials with special status, 40 local councilors, 32 heads of public institutions, one deputy director of a public institution, one member of the Public Broadcaster Teleradio-Moldova Observatory Council were verified by the integrity inspectors.

During the reporting period, 104 minutes of refusal of control were drawn up. The National Authority for Integrity states that it is taking notice on issues of public interest, investigated by media outlets and by individuals and legal entities. Three hundred one complaints were examined and about 925 statements on assets and personal interest were verified in the first half of 2020.