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The professor “with 17 criminal cases” is judged by the daughter of a colleague and wish to return to work

Valeriu Capcelea, former dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Assistance of State University “A. Russo” from Balti, is trying to return to work, even if the file on his name is in court without any solution adopted. Interestingly, the teacher is judged by a magistrate with whose mother he was a colleague until the middle of last year, when she was also arrested for bribery.capcelea

In June 2013, the Prosecutor General (PG) were presenting (without disclosing the name) teacher with 17 criminal cases initiated against him. According to a press release of the institution, he had been heard and recognized as a suspect in the commission of several episodes of passive corruption, being investigated then under arrest at home.

Bribery and sexual harassment

Prosecutors then announced that on June 11th, being in his office, he would have extorted money from a student to promote examination that she had to sustain at the discipline philosophy. At the request of the prosecutor, judge authorized the search in the study hall where teacher was examining the students, being raised 11 of their notepads with different amounts of money in them, a total of 6773 lei. Also, the prosecutors suspected the man that through physical and verbal conduct tried to coerce a student to have sex with him, threatening her, that otherwise, will not pass the exam. At the time of the crimes the suspect also held the position of dean of the faculty where he was teaching, but immediately after trial began, he was fired.

Last week, a message came to the editorial office notifying us that Valeriu Capcelea, name of suspected teacher, returned to work on February 28th, although on his name was not yet a final sentence, the case being under examination. “He did not return. The fact that he comes to university every day, he is visiting … but that at home says he’s going to work, that’s another thing. I can bet with you that he did not return for a case of brandy, “Codru”, I think … (smiles). That’s one thing that can be verified. He did not return. It’s clear that people have certain assumptions, seeing him here. That he is insisting, writing requests to be committed, yes, but we decided to wait for judgment decision. Perhaps, the people who write grudge against him”, thinks Gheorghe Popa, rector of the “A. Russo” University.

“The cases were fabricated”

Interestingly, the criminal case is examined at Balti Court, by magistrate Florentina Dragan. She is the daughter of Elena Dragan, another teacher at the StateUniversity “A. Russo”, detained last summer with bribe. Law enforcement say that Elena Dragan was held liable, being punished with a fine by the court. Leonid Gagiu, prosecutor involved in the court case, told us that the case is examined in closed session and that witnesses have not yet been interviewed. I asked the prosecutor if he is aware that Valeriu Capcelea is judged by the daughter of a former colleague, and he told us that “I do not know this and do not think it could influence the case. We, if there are grounds for challenge, we challenge the judge. First of all, we have not received such information, but secondly, there are no legal grounds to challenge the court. Until now there were no grounds for challenge. We will see the development of the process, and if we determine reasons that can influence the process, we will intervene with legal levers”, told us Gagiu. He claims that teacher is charged 18 corruption episodes, all merged into a single file.

In turn, Valeriu Capcelea says that “records were fabricated”. “You know how it is at us. Indices are required …for them to fight. But, I do not want to talk on the phone. I have not returned and the file is examined for a long, long time. It is not drawled, but something like this is … “, told us Capcelea.
