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The police forced Mătăsaru to give his email accounts passwords by beating

Anatol Mătăsaru declared today to his lawyer that he was beaten, physically and psychologically abused for offering his email addresses.

“They beaten me and threatened me with physical account, asking first of all to sign an act through which to recognize that I’ve been paid by the opposition leaders to protest, a fact which is not true. In the time, they’ve beaten me with the legs over my thighs to give them the passwords from my email addresses. I didn’t have any other alternative than giving them these passwords” said Mătăsaru, adding that he is currently detained with an AIDS infected person which is not receiving medication at the moment. He was also threatened that he will be detained with very dangerous criminals, which could kill him, in case he will not cooperate with the police.

Victor Panţâru sustains that a couple of Mătăsaru’s fundamental rights are violated and he will appeal to the law courts.