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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s Resolution on Moldova’s Judiciary

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution on undermining the independence of the judiciary in Moldova. The Assembly is concerned about the judiciary’s proximity to political authorities, which doubts the effectiveness of efforts to combat abuse of power and corruption.

According to the Resolution, the Assembly is concerned that several attempts to reform the judiciary in Moldova have been unsuccessful and that corruption, including in the judiciary, remains a widespread phenomenon. The Assembly also notes the latest political changes and the Government’s political will to prioritize the reform of the justice system and welcomes high-level consultations between European authorities and representations.

The Assembly calls on the Moldovan authorities to continue the reform of the judiciary, the Superior Council of Magistracy, and the Prosecutor’s Office, in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe. 

“The Moldovan authorities should give priority to the assessment of judges and prosecutors and make full use of the procedures already available to ensure the integrity of the judiciary,” the resolution reads.

The Moldovan authorities are called upon to significantly intensify their efforts to combat corruption among judges and prosecutors and, to this end, to implement GRECO’s recommendations and to continue to cooperate with the Venice Commission and other bodies of the Council of Europe.