Principală  —  Investigations   —   The new office of CSM…

The new office of CSM worth 32.7 MILLION

468-csm-sediuThe headquarter in downtown of Chisinau, purchased by state for Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), cost 32, 7 million Lei (!), ie nearly 2 million euro. Information is posted on the official website of the Public Procurement Agency and is confirmed by representatives of the institution through which was performed the transaction between state and “Profmedstil” Ltd., company which owned buildings on Eminescu Street, but also by the SCM management.

Officially, SCM moved to the new home on April 17th, 2014. The new headquarters is based in two related luxury buildings, on Mihai Eminescu Street 5, right in the center of Chisinau. Previously, they were owned by the “Profmedstil” Ltd., company. Real estate purchase contract was signed on December 26th, 2013, according to information of the State Enterprise Cadastre, but recorded, according to information of the Public Procurement Agency (PPA) right on New Year’s Eve, on December 31st, 2013.

 1.75 million euro for two buildings

About the new home of SCM was not discussed very much, being known only that, for its acquisition, the Budget Law for 2013 have been envisaged 15 million Lei. But, the building purchased by the state for SCM, on the last day of last year, did not cost 15 million Lei, but double, 32.7 million, ie, 1.75 million euro ( by the rates of the National Bank on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014). The information is posted on the AAP website and was confirmed for ZdG by representatives of the institution. Also from the AAP web site we find out that SCM headquarters was purchased from a single source, the only one participating in the auction being “Profmedstil” Ltd.

According to data from the Cadastre, officially the buildings purchased for SCM have 186 and, respectively, 290.8 sqm. However, unofficially, they cover an area of ​​about 4000 square meters, including the attic. Originally, the buildings belonged to “Wine International Project” Ltd., company, later taken into possession by “Profmedstil” Ltd., company. During 2009-2013, constructions were put in pledge for loans for over 100 million Lei, all credits being taken from Moldinconbank, a Bank previously associated with the name of the controversial businessman Vyacheslav Platon. All loans were extinguished by the date of signing of the contract between the trader and the State.

468-csm-sediu1Millions went to Russians?

According to the State House of Registering, the company “Profmedstil” Ltd., which took into possession 32.7 million Lei for the transaction with the state, was founded in 2007 by the enterprise with foreign capital “Wine International Project” Ltd., which invested about 4.2 million Lei for the 91.27% of the company, “Wine & Investments Espanola” from Spain, which has invested 402 thousand lei for 8.71% of the share, and also Maria Bulgar Nicolai, with 470 lei for 0.01% of company.

In turn, “Wine International Project” Ltd, the main founder of the Ltd who signed the deal with the state, was recorded in January 1995, having as founders two Russian citizens, Galina Lisnyak and Dmitry Ignatenco, each with 50%, and with more businesses in the Republic of Moldova. The company is managed by Moldovan citizen, Romeo Fortuna Viorel, a discreet businessman. Lisnyak and Ignatenco are developing in partnership with Moldovan citizens, several businesses. One of them is “Unimarket” store network, which Dmitry Ignatenco holds through the firm Unimarket Discount. In turn, this company is founded by a Cyprus offshore, Brestoll Ventures Ltd., with 22%, and Avilex DFT , with 77.98%, whose founder is Dmitry Ignatenco himself, with 99.88%, along with the administrator from the “Wine International Project” Ltd., Romeo Fortuna, who has the rest of actions. Ignatenco, according to the State Enterprise Cadastre, appears as founder of five Ltd’s, and his partner, Galina Lisnyak, of two .

All the money, from the budget

The Budget Law for 2013, for the purchase of a new headquarter for SCM, which, previously, rented several offices in the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice, were allocated, initially, 13.7 million Lei. Later, the price was corrected, reaching 15 million. According to sources in the field, subsequently the Ministry of Finance has allocated other nine million Lei, on SCM request, which was announcing that, with 15 million Lei could not buy a building for headquarters. The same sources, which were part of the group formed at SCM, which sought office for the institution, claim that during all this period, were organized two tenders. Initially, it was concluded to be procured, with 25 million Lei, Elat Hotel , and then, the working group decided to purchase a building at Telecenter, which was dropped, because of legal issues that building was facing. Finally, were paid from the budget, 32.7 million Lei, for the headquarters on Eminescu Street. Its purchase was decided the last minute, because, if the transaction was not completed until the end of 2013, the money allocated for SCM headquarters would be lost. Thus, in a hurry, SCM chose the building on Eminescu Street, which, according to the same source, does not meet the requirements to be a place suitable for SCM, having several missions, the building being originally built to be a mini hotel. “The best thing was for SCM to build an office. With this money, and land offered by City Hall, they would have managed for sure”, said someone. Other sources claim that, most likely, the decision to purchase specifically the property from Eminescu Street had some political significance.

“The procurement process was fully complied with. We announced the tender for the purchase of a building. Were submitted several proposals, including Moldasig building, next to the one bought. There were some offers from the railroad, but it was not possible financially. They were more expensive than this one, sure. There were offers from regions that could not be accepted, but still costing millions. We decided to take a building adjusted, more or less, to present requirements, but also for future. Do not forget that we claim that in the future, also the Department of Judicial Administration to be around SCM … “, said Dumitru Visternicean, interim president of SCM.