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The National Anticorruption Center Director will be Appointed and Dismissed Directly by Parliament – Draft Registered Action and Solidarity Party Deputies

The director of the National Anticorruption Center could be dismissed and appointed directly by the Parliament and not elected on the basis of a competition as it has been so far. A group of deputies from the Action and Solidarity Party registered a bill in this regard.

The Action and Solidarity Party parliamentarians registered a draft law for the amendment of article 8 of Law no. 1104/2002 on the National Anticorruption Center.

The amendments provide for the Director of the Center to be appointed by Parliament by a majority of the elected members, on a proposal from at least 20 Members, with the positive opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities, for a term of 5 years without the possibility of appointment for another term.

The candidate for the position of the National Anticorruption Center director will no longer be selected on the basis of a competition organized by the Legal, Appointments and Immunities Committee of the Parliament, representatives of the civil society, or the representatives of the academic environment, as it was until at the moment

Currently, Ruslan Flocea is the director of the National Anticorruption Center, being appointed by Decision of the Parliament of Moldova no. 104 of July 31, 2019, following the vote of the majority of elected deputies.