Principală  —  Important   —   The motion of censure submitted…

The motion of censure submitted by communists and socialists against the Gavrilița government failed

The motion of no confidence on the activity of the government led by Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, submitted by the parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS), failed. The motion was rejected by 44 MPs from the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) faction at a sitting of Parliament on 22 September.

Head of the Cabinet of Ministers Natalia Gavrilița, speaking from the central rostrum of Parliament, criticised the opposition and the motion tabled by the parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS), calling it “a compilation of lies”, and then presented the achievements of the executive in its first year in office.

“The motion of censure to which I am responding is a compilation of lies that shows not only a lack of ideas and solutions, but also a lack of basic professional training and skills (…) People should know that the only solution you propose in the text of the motion of censure is the resignation of the Government. (…) The government I lead has managed to respond promptly, with concrete action, to all the crises that have affected and still affect Moldova”, said Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița from the Parliament’s rostrum.

After the Prime Minister’s speech, questions from MPs followed, including answers from members of the Cabinet of Ministers present at the Parliament’s sitting on 22 September.

The text of the motion of censure against the government led by Natalia Gavrilița was signed on 15 September 2022 by PCRM and PSRM deputies. The initiators of the motion accuse the current executive of raising prices and say that the government “no longer has the support of the people”. According to the law, the government can be dismissed with the votes of at least 51 MPs.

Socialist and Communist MPs call for the resignation of the Gavrilița government and table a motion of censure against the cabinet of ministers

The motion of censure on the work of the Government can be initiated by at least 1/4 of the elected MPs, i.e. at least 26 MPs. The motion of censure on the work of the Government is debated on the first day of the plenary session of the week following the date of tabling. Motions of censure are adopted by a majority vote of elected Members.