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In memoriam of the young person Valeriu Boboc

Today, those 15.000 protesters from the National Square have honored the memory of the young person, killed on April 8.
Valeriu Boboc of 23 years old, supporter of the Liberal Party, has been transported to the morgue within the protests perimeter. His parents think that he was murdered with cruelty.
On the other hand, the General Prosecutor Office has communicated in a press release that:
„In connection with the multiple rumors related to the death of the citizen Valeriu Boboc, the Press Service of the Prosecutor Office is in right to inform the following. On April 8, at 1.15 am, V. Boboc died on his way to the Emergency Hospital. According to the results of the autopsy, the body injuries and namely a broken rib have no causative connection with the cause of death. According to the doctors, he was subject to intoxication with an unknown substance. In order to exclude any doubts related to the cause of death, the prosecutors are ready to call an international expertise.”
Meanwhile, the General Prosecutor Office has formed a special group of prosecutors with the task to verify and examine all requests and complaints filed by citizens regarding the alleged actions of abuses, torture etc., committed by police.
With regard to the persons detained or arrested within the actions of mass disorders, the Prosecutor Office informs that according to procedural criminal laws, all persons are granted legal assistance, the access of lawyers is ensure and the hearings of minors are carried out in the presence of parents or professors.
The prosecutors constantly verify the detention rooms in order to exclude abuses from law enforcement.
In this context, the Public Relations sections as well as other subdivisions of the Prosecutor Office are ready to receive and examine all complaints related to alleged bad treatments.”

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