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The Government has appointed a new PSC member

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After passing the evaluation of the Pre-Vetting Commission, Mihail Sorbala has been appointed by the Government as a member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) from among civil society representatives submitted by the Executive. Ministers voted on his appointment at their meeting yesterday, 28 February.

Mihail Sorbala is a PhD lecturer and head of department at the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM).

The government has nominated two civil society representatives to fill the vacant position of member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors: Radu Mîrza and Mihail Sorbala. In October, Mihail Sorbala remained the only candidate, as the expert on justice, rule of law and human rights, Radu Mîrza, withdrew from the competition.

Mihail Sorbala is to notify the Commission whether or not he objects to the publication of the decision within 48 hours of receipt. Decisions of the Pre-Vetting Commission may be appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice within five days of receipt, without prior procedure.

Mihail Sorbala’s CV is available on the website, to which he has attached his motivation letter.