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The EU and the WHO Donate Protective Equipment to the Doctors in the ATU Găgăuzia

The European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) donated 62,000 units of protective equipment (surgical masks, N95 respirators, goggles, waterproof surgical gowns). During the handover ceremony, the State Secretary and the Bashkan of the Autonomous Territorial Unit Găgăuzia expressed their gratitude for the support offered.

The EU and the WHO donated 62,000 units of protective equipment (50,780 surgical masks, 10,080 N95 respirators, 250 goggles, and 1,128 waterproof surgical gowns) to primary care institutions in ATU Găgăuzia (Comrat, Ceadâr-Lunga, and Vulcănești), the south of the country. 

The handover ceremony took place on July 23, in Comrat. The Secretary of State, Alexandru Holostenco, the Head of the EU Delegation, Peter Michalko, the Bashkan of ATU Gagauzia, Irina Vlah, and Stela Gheorghiță, coordinator of public health emergency programs, WHO Office from Moldova, attended the ceremony. 

The State Secretary mentioned that protecting healthcare workers and strengthening the health system is a priority for the country. 

“Strengthening the health system and protecting medical personnel is our priority. In this way, we will be able to provide quality medical services to the population and overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. The EU and the WHO offered valuable and extremely important support to the healthcare system in Moldova, in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. This support will help us protect the frontline healthcare worker,” the State Secretary, Alexandru Holostenco mentioned. 

The head of the EU Delegation to Moldova thanked the healthcare worker, fighting in the frontlines. 

“The EU is a sustainable partner for Moldova. The support provided will contribute to ensuring the health of the population and the protection of medical workers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. I thank the heroes from the front line, for their work and dedication,” mentioned the head of the EU Delegation, Peter Michalko.

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Stela Gheorghiță, coordinator of emergency programs in public health, WHO Office in Moldova, pointed out that Moldova can protect the healthcare workers only by working together. 

“No pandemic has been defeated without the involvement of communities and people. Today is the time when we must join forces and show responsibility and solidarity. We can protect medical workers only through joint efforts. We can assure that the patients receive the necessary medical assistance only through joint efforts,” mentioned Stela Gheorghiță, coordinator of emergency programs in public health, WHO Office in Moldova.

The Bashkan of ATU Găgăuzia mentioned that the support of Moldova’s partners is crucial in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“Unfortunately, the medical system has had and is facing a difficult period, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the fight against the new Coronavirus, the support of our partners is essential. Thank you for the openness and support,” mentioned the Bashkan of ATU Gagauzia, Irina Vlah.

The donation is part of the first tranche of the assistance package offered by the EU in partnership with the WHO, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The delivery of the equipment is part of the Solidarity for Health EU Initiative.

On July 14, Moldova received humanitarian aid to fight the COVID-19 pandemic from the EU. The protective equipment is worth €2.8 million and is the largest humanitarian aid Moldova received.