Principală  —  Investigations   —   The businessman from SCM

The businessman from SCM

455-avornic-adunare-judecatoriGeorge Avornic, newly member of SCM, voted by deputies too, from among the teachers of law, denied in Parliament that would hold properties and companies in Romania. ZdG had access to official documents showing that Avornic conducted more businesses in Romania. Today, his name figures in a company based in Iasi. Also on the name of the newly registered member of the CSM is registered a villa in Lunca Jaristei, in Buzau County, which he did not mention until now neither in the Parliament nor in the celebrity magazines.

On December 19, 2013, the Legal Committee, Appointments and Immunities of the Parliament has appointed as members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) law professors: Gheorge Avornic, Teodor Cârnaţ and Violeta Cojocaru. The last word, however, have had deputies who, under the law, were to vote them. On Christmas Eve (new style), parliamentaries examined the matter of choosing CSM members. The three law professors were called to the stand, from where they were to answer deputies questions.

Avornic lies on Christmas Eve

Deputies asked repeatedly the lawyer George Avornic if he has companies and properties in Romania and if he declared them in Moldova. “I do not have any properties in Romania. Present an official document. I repeat once again. I do not have any companies in Romania”, declared Avornic from the Parliament stand.

According to the National Trade Register Office (NTRO) of Romania, Gheorghe Avornic’s name is listed as an associate in six companies. In recent years, Gheorge Avornic liquidated and deregistered companies Jim-Tricotex Ltd, originally based in Brasov, later based in Buzau, the company Bucuria Ltd, Tedom Ltd from Buzau and Marcot Ltd from Brasov.

Currently, in Romania, the newly member of CSM still has active the company “Electronics Exclusive Ltd” based in Iasi, on street Splash Bahlui, 24, which he recorded on March 7, 2012. Enterprise administrator is Valentin Midoni, a Romanian citizen, born in Kirov from Russian Federation, who manages businesses in Romania.

lunca-jaristei-300x223The villa from Lunca Jaristei

Trade Registry data also indicates that “Exclusive Electronics Ltd” is licensed to carry more than 200 activities, including Import- Export, Fitness Centers, Renting and leasing of cars and equipment for air transport, Hotels and other similar accommodation facilities, handling, Construction of bridges and tunnels, Production, transportation and sale of electricity. In a year from the record of the company, representatives from “Electronics Exclusive Ltd” discontinued the activity of the company temporarily until March 4, 2016 .

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Although Gheorge Avornic said in Parliament, before deputies voted for his position of membership at SCM, that he does not hold properties, on his name is registered a villa in Lunca Jaristei, a place of residence of the village Siriu from Buzau County. Siriu Hall representatives have confirmed Avornic property from Buzau: “Yes, he has a house in Lunca Jaristei. It is registered on him. He lives just outside the market”. And residents of Lunca Jaristei told us: “Lately he rarely comes around. He put some people to take care of the house. Holiday home has two floors and an attic”. Also on this address in Lunca Jaristei, Gheorge Avornic has had registered several companies.

At Judges Assembly from January 17, I told Gheorge Avornic that we hold documents about the villa and its companies that he registered in Romania and I asked him why did he lie in Parliament.

Avornic: Let them make the political games

“I answered correctly in Parliament too.  And now I respond correctly. I respond for every word I said in Parliament. In Lunca Jaristei is my house. My daughter is married in Bucharest and I can transmit to my children what I had? It is a summer home, for vacation. Business and heritage is confused. Companies were liquidated. I passed all the businesses to the territory of Moldova and was no meaning to activate there. It is my right. I alienated the business and that is all. Let them make political games. It is miserable and dirty. I do not think it’s worth casting so much dirt on people’s heads”, said Avornic .

Also, Avornic told us that, at CSM, he wants first to have a dialogue with the media “that it can’t be poured so much dirt and brought to the public only bad things and everything negative. Because this affects the citizens form all aspects. Also, when asked how he wants to improve communication between the media and the judiciary system, he replied: “To establish some clear legal practice. For example, for everything that is written unsubstantiated, unproven, media must respond. Initially, to respond at least in civil order, with recovery of material and moral injury. But why not even criminally? Let judges do their job. The judge must be a head higher than all participants in the process … “, thinks the new member of CSM.

455-Avornic-fiica-sotieAvornic family holds together 30 companies

Data from the State Registration Chamber of Moldova shows that Gheorge Avornic is a unique founder at Private Institute of Higher Education “Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law in Moldova” and holds a 50% shareholding in the company production and trade ” Miledi ” Ltd. On behalf of his wife, Ana Avornic, are registered eight companies, and his daughter, Victoria Avornic, is the founder of another 12 companies, specializing in various fields .

Elena and Michael Diaciuc from city Balti, founders of company “Primavia-Exim” Ltd. and “Mideli” Ltd., hired Gheorge Avornic to represent their interests as a lawyer in a dispute. They say that by deceit, Gheorge Avornic has proposed to make him a shareholder in the company so that he will solve problems easier. Finally, the family Diaciuc claims that were “duped”. They addressed a complaint to the Prosecutor Chisinau, and few days ago Chisinau prosecutor, Ivan Diakov, said that Avornic is targeted in a criminal case.

According to the State Registration Chamber, the company of Diaciuc family “Primavia-Exim” Ltd was totally taken by Avornic family. Unique founder of the company becoming the private High School “LITTERARUM”, whose unique shareholder is Avornic Victoria, daughter of Gheorge Avornic. And in the second family Diaciuc company  “Mideli” Ltd, Avornic seized the 50 % of stake.

To remind that Gheorge Avornic is wedding godfather of  Violeta Cojocaru, recently elected as a member of the CSM by Parliament. He is a cousin of Parliament Vicepresident, Palihovici Liliana, and brother of magistrate from Centre Court, Maria Avornic .

Will follow.

Iurie Sanduta