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The authorities mixt up the crimes with the right to associate law

Amnesty International is concerned that the authorities of Moldova intends to blame a group of activists of disorder accompanied by violence in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, on 7 April 2009.

International Secretariat of Amnesty International released an urgent action to help, within which appeals to people of all countries (Amnesty International has the structure in 150 countries of the world) to send letters to: Attorney General Valeriu Gurbulea, Minister of Internal Affairs, George Papuc, Parliamentary Advocate, Anatolie Munteanu for:
to remind the authorities in Moldova that they are obliged to guarantee the right to freedom of assembly, association and expression, according to a number of international standards in human rights, to which Moldova is party, including under the Convention on International Civil and Political Rights, European Convention of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms;
to communicate the fact that Ghenadie brega, brega Oleg Natalia Morari and other members of the initiative, some of it is known, used their right to peaceful freedom of assembly and expression, in accordance with the Law on meetings of Moldova;
to remember that the situation in their arrest for organizing peaceful meetings, about the performance they have informed authorities of the time, Amnesty International will declare prisoners of conscience and will require immediate release;
to require authorities to make clear the difference between achieving people suspected of illegal actions and those who have used the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and free speech;
authorities to address with the request to conduct thorough and independent investigation of the messages on which Oleg brega was beaten by police in civilian employees at night on 8 April 2009.
For more information please contact us at phone numbers listed below.

Inna Guleac,
Press Officer,
Amnesty International Moldova
http://www.Amnesty. MD
tel.: / +373-22 / 83-58-08
fax: / +373-22 / 290-927
mob.: + 373-69-33-78 — 41
e-mail: media @ amnesty. md