Supreme Court of Justice reform approved by Parliament in first reading

The reform of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) was voted by the Parliament in the first reading during the session on Thursday, 16 March.
According to the bill, the Supreme Court of Justice will have more restricted powers and will not act as an appeal court, as is currently the case. A draft amendment to the procedure for the examination of cases by the SCJ has also been prepared.
Among the most important provisions of the draft is a reduction in the number of SCJ judges. The authors also propose to change the composition of the Supreme Court of Justice by ensuring that representatives of other legal professions, such as lawyers, prosecutors or law professors, have access to the posts of SCJ judge.
“This draft law aims to increase the quality of justice, create the conditions for the effective uniformity of judicial practice, strengthen the powers of the SCJ, ensure the appointment of impartial and honest judges, and increase citizens’ confidence in the judicial system”.
The draft law was prepared by a working group set up by the Ministry of Justice. The document provides for the reorganisation and revision of the powers of the SJC.
The document is due to be examined in Parliament in second reading.