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Sons, daughters and grandchildren of judges want to become magistrates in Chisinau courts

462-injEight graduates of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), candidates for judge from the class of 2013, a Supreme Court judicial assistant and a graduate of NIJ from the class of 2011, who was beaten by daughter of judge Eugenia Fistican, back then director of NIJ, are fighting to become magistrates in Chisinau courts.

At the meeting from Tuesday, March 11th, the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) was to decide on the dismissal of two judges, others being elected. Among the candidates who aspire to a magistrate chair in Chisinau courts there are also NIJ graduates from the class of 2013. This after, previously, CSM declared them compatible for the position of magistrate, and later College of selection and evaluation of judges gave them a certain score, according to their professional training.

After small talks, CSM decided, on Tuesday, to elect Vladislav Holban at the Court Botanica, Natalia Sandu, Supreme Court judicial assistant, and Gheorge Stratulat, graduate NIJ, at Centre Court, Olga Cernei and Victoria Hadarca – to Buiucani court. At the same time the members of the Council have suggested that candidates can participate in other competitions – for filling the positions of judges of district courts, not just those from Chisinau.

The new judge Olga Cernei is 27 years old and graduated NIJ with the overall average of 9.51. She is the daughter of judge Ludmila Cernei, working as inspector-judge at Judicial Inspection of the SCM, detaching from the position of judge at the Court Ciocana before the expiration of the four years mandate. About Victoria Hadarca, ZdG wrote that Elena Istrati, daughter of Eugenia Fistican judge, former director of NIJ, who was also to become a magistrate, slapped Victoria Hadarca right in her mother’s office, in the presence of Eugenia Fistican and the institution management.

Also ZdG wrote that 5 of NIJ graduates from the class of 2013, candidates for judge, are sons, daughters and grandchildren of magistrates who, at the age of 25-27 years, already have houses of millions and luxury cars, companies in U.S. and bank accounts for nearly one million lei. One of them is Corneliu Cretu, son of former Vice President of the Court of Appeal Chisinau, Gheorghe Cretu, involved in the scandal “Royal Forest”, accused by prosecutors that would have shot dead the young man Sorin Paciu. According to some sources from the Justice, Gheorghe Cretu did barter with participants from “royal hunt”, taking the blame on him in exchange for his son’s appointment as a judge and further advance of his position.

Also at CSM meeting from 11th of March, the Council members have dismissed magistrates Vasile Rusu, from Straseni Court, and Tudor Gologan, from Ungheni Court. At the same time were admitted 3 of the 5 judges who entered the competition for the position of judge at the Court of Appeal Chisinau. The winners were Mihail Diaconu, from Buiucani court, Aurelia Cazacliu, from the Court Criuleni, and Oxana Robu, from Court Ciocana.

About Judge Mihail Diaconu, ZdG wrote that, in April 2009, when fulfilling the function of judge at Court Buiucani, went inside police headquarters (CGP), where allowed all nine demarches forwarded by the prosecutor on the preventive detention of detained persons. But Diaconu, unlike other magistrates involved in the trial of participants in the events of April 2009, kept his function intact so far.

Iurie Sanduta, [email protected]