Shor Party filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court “challenging the extension of the state of emergency for another 60 days”

The “Sor” party, led by fugitive MP Ilan Sor, announced on Friday, December 23, that it has filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court (CC) “challenging the extension of the state of emergency for another 60 days by the Legislature”. According to the authors of the complaint, “the state of emergency was extended unjustifiably, in violation of several articles of the Constitution and other laws”.
According to representatives of the “Shor” party, the Commission for Exceptional Situations “adopted controversial decisions, which have nothing to do with the state of emergency” and note that Moldova “has a Government and a Parliament that have full powers and can take any decision necessary to overcome any crisis”.
“The Government and Parliament have not argued the need for a state of emergency and special powers for the Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE), as long as all state institutions are functional and have powers to solve any crisis without restricting human rights. Contrary to the measures needed to overcome the state of emergency linked to the energy crisis and the migratory flow, Parliament has delegated to the CSE powers to restrict fundamental rights such as the right to assembly, free expression, property, freedom of movement, etc., which have nothing to do with the state of emergency.
With regret, we note that the CSE is already acting directly in this regard by adopting illegal acts, which seriously affect fundamental human rights. Among these is the order of 16 December by which the CSE, allowing for derogations from the Audiovisual Media Services Code and without any substantiated reason, suspended the broadcasting licences of six TV stations, with immediate enforcement”, the complainants claim.
On 1 December 2022, the Parliament supported the Government’s proposal to extend the state of emergency in Moldova for another 60 days, in the context of threats to national security. The decision entered into force on 6 December.
On 16 December, the Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE) approved a decision to suspend the broadcasting licences of six TV stations in Moldova during the state of emergency. These are “First in Moldova”, “RTR Moldova”, “Accent TV”, “NTV Moldova”, “TV6” and “Orhei TV”, some of which are affiliated to Ilan Shor.
On 24 February, a 60-day state of emergency was declared in Moldova in connection with Russia’s war against Ukraine. Subsequently, the state of emergency was extended by 45 or 60 days, also in the context of national security risks as well as the risk of the energy crisis.