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Public Statement: 23 Organizations Call for ”Transparency and Fairness” in the case of the Suspended Prosecutor General, Alexandr Stoianoglo

23 Moldovan organizations have signed a public statement calling for “non-politicization, transparency, and maximum fairness” in the case of the suspended prosecutor general Alexandr Stoianoglo, in respect of whom the magistrates of the Chișinău Court, Ciocana headquarters, decided three days ago to place under house arrest for 30 days.

The signatory organizations are following the situation around the Alexandr Stoianoglo case with the utmost attention. It is surprising how quickly the criminal case was launched against Mr. Stoianoglo, his detention, and his request for arrest. The lack of information does not allow us to rule on the merits of the accusations against Alexandr Stoianoglo, at the same time we consider it imperative that prosecutors and courts show exemplary transparency and respect for legal provisions, writes the Association of Independent Press.

The signatory organizations urge prosecutors to disclose relevant facts to convince society that this case is founded.

“We also hope that the courts, at least, in this case, will thoroughly examine the arguments put forward by prosecutors for arrest and will immediately release Alexandr Stoianoglo if there is the slightest doubt about their sufficiency. Moreover, the information about the alleged influences on the case prosecutor, but also credible information that Alexandr Stoianoglo’s lawyers do not have the opportunity to communicate with him, raises concerns. Such practices are unacceptable in a state governed by the rule of law and we request their immediate investigation,” the statement reads.

In this context, the organizations appeal to judges and prosecutors “not to accept political influences, and to the political forces to refrain from politicizing the case of Alexandr Stoianoglo.”

“Justice must be exercised in the courtrooms, not in the streets or in political forums. We hope that this case is not used by prosecutors to retaliate, and the Superior Council of Prosecutors will react accordingly to any violation committed by prosecutors,” the statement also reads.

List of organizations that support the declaration:

  • Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova (CRJM)
  • Centrul Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup”
  • Institutul pentru Politici și Reforme Europene
  • ONG „Terra-1530”
  • Centrul Regional pentru Inițiative Sociale și Dezvoltare Durabilă
  • Institutul de Politici Publice
  • Consiliul National al Tineretului din Moldova (CNTM)
  • Transparency International Moldova
  • Asociația Promo-LEX
  • Asociația pentru Guvernare Eficientă și Responsabilă
  • Asociația Presei Independente
  • Fundația pentru Dezvoltare din Republica Moldova
  • Comunitatea
  • Asociaţia Internaţională a Păstrătorilor Râului „Eco-Tiras”
  • Asociaţia Obştească “Caroma Nord”
  • Fundația Soros-Moldova
  • Asociația pentru Politică Externă
  • Amnesty International Moldova
  • Alianţa pentru Eficienţă Energetică şi Regenerabile
  • Eco-Răzeni
  • IM Swedish Development Partner
  • Centrul de Politici și Reforme Structurale din Republica Moldova
  • Rețeaua Națională LEADER din Republica Moldova