Principală  —  Investigations   —   Protesters are hiding

Protesters are hiding

Two of the participants from the meeting, Anatol Croitoru and Iurie Imihteev, from Coşniţa village, gave note to us that they were obliged to leave their village due to the fact that some individuals dressed up like civilians looked for them at their places.

The above mentioned men appeared on public TV at the violent meeting from April 7. According to the info bulletin “Mesager», the head of the Dubăsari county, Grigore Policinsci, member of Communist Party Of Republic of Moldova, had emerged a council where he accused the above two of „state turnover».

The headmaster of the highschool from the village , Petru Hâncu, has organised a council where accused the above two mentioned in front of the highschool pupils. after the school gathering, Iurie Imihteev’s children faced the accusations from their colleagues and professors.Petru Hâncu refused to talk to us.
we should highlight that there were several individuals dressed up in civilians who were looking for the above mentioned men at home.

At the date of April 9, Grigore Policinschi has gathered the whole village as well as the public local officials, having the intention to organize at the presence of Moldova1 (Public State Channel) a public „judgment». Grigore Policinschi denied this fact.
Starting with Wednesday night, the above mentioned two above, members of Europeen Action Movement, are being refugees.