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Pre-Vetting Committee to hear six more candidates for membership of the Superior Council of Magistracy

Six more candidates for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) are to be heard by the Independent Commission for the evaluation of the integrity of candidates for the position of member of the self-administrative bodies of judges and prosecutors (Pre-Vetting Commission) from 30 November to 2 December.

On Wednesday 30 November, Judge Aliona Miron of the Supreme Court of Justice and Judge Stanislav Sorbalo of the Balti Court, Centre Court, will be interviewed. On Thursday, 1 December – Vasile Șchiopu, from the Ungheni Court, and Sergiu Caraman, from the Criuleni Court, and on Friday – Nicolae Șova, from the Chisinau Court, Centre seat, and Ecaterina Buzu, from the Orhei Court, Central seat.

The pre-vetting commission announced on 11 November the top three candidates who passed the financial and ethical integrity assessment. According to the Commission members, Livia Mitrofan and Maria Frunze, judges at the Chisinau Court of Appeals, Centre seat, as well as Ioana Chironeț, judge at the Chisinau Court of Appeals, Ciocana seat, publicly heard on 7 October 2022, “meet the criteria of ethical and financial integrity and pass the assessment”.

28 candidates from among the judges registered for the competition for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM). However, 22 of them reached the public hearing stage, after five judges withdrew from the competition and one magistrate failed to submit a declaration of assets and personal interests for 5 years.

Ziarul de Gardă analysed the activity, wealth and integrity of each candidate and presents the most important information about the judges entered in the competition, who, in a first stage, will go through the integrity assessment procedure, in the context of the Pre-Vetting Law.