Principală  —  News   —   Parliament '90 Association. Press declaration.

Parliament ’90 Association. Press declaration.

We, members of the Association «the-90», those who have voted for the Declaration of Independence on 27 August 1991 and founded the modern state — Republic of Moldova, express our deep concern about the socio-political situation created immediately after the parliamentary elections of 5 April 2009.

Find that most political parties, civil society and various social categories have questioned the fairness of these elections. In this situation the Communist Party did not demonstrate openness and capacity for dialogue and said with pride that they neglect the opposition views. Civil society protests that followed were a natural reaction to the attitude of disdain and contempt towards those who do not share values communist.

Protest actions are a normal thing for democratic societies, but the Communist government by its conduct demonstrated that it can not activate than under dictatorship. Get more signs of îrebare how the government managed the crisis and challenges well-organized records.

In this vein, we, Members of Parliament first, I met the most serious crisis than that of 7 April 2009, we put the state leadership that we created the following questions:

1. What made the personal head of state, the President and the Prime Minister to resolve the crisis through democratic means?

2. He had the leadership of Moldova information about special services preconizatele actions and what measures were taken to counteract them?

3. Why anyone in the state leadership did not take steps to start a civilized dialogue with protesters?

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4. Na why the police acted in a professional way to defend the state, but he did everything to cause young people to enter the buildings, including the building of 1990-1994, where he adopted the Declaration of Independence and the most important acts which have laid the foundations for statehood?

5. What if the majority of protesters who were in The Great National Assembly and desolidarizau groups suspected of being well prepared and who attacked the President, No one came to these peaceful demonstrator to demonstrate the capacity for dialogue?

6. Why televisions controlled power began a furious campaign of opposition to culpabilizare up to clarify the circumstances and the dezordinele guilty on 7 April 2009?

Association «Parliament -90» qualifying action in the 6-7 days in April 2009 that some are challenging the positions of power and who have demonstrated fully the current government’s inability to act in a democratic society where the words are dialogue Order and tolerance.

Require the creation of an International Commission to investigate the events of April 7 and included in its composition representatives of the Association «Parliament-90.»

Request to grant air time on public television to notify Members of the position in the first Parliament elected democratically to the events of 7 April 2009.

N.B. This text was translated by our readers.

Published on April 10