Principală  —  Justice   —   Over 4 million lei and…

Over 4 million lei and 4 thousand dollars. Details from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutors about the amount of money in the black bags collected from the “Shor” party

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) comes with details on the amount of money collected in the criminal case on illegal financing of the “Shor” party. According to the PA, the final amount was found to be 4 219 550 lei and 4 000 dollars.

“The National Anti-Corruption Centre under the leadership of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has completed the process of examining the money detected and collected during the searches carried out on 20 October 2022, in the criminal case on illegal financing of the political party “Shor”,” the PA announces.

The prosecutor’s office informs that, going forward, “a decision will be adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in order to ensure the preservation of the money collected by the competent institution”.

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), the National Anti-Corruption Centre (CNA) and the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) raided members and activists of the “ȘOR” party in several localities across the country on Thursday, 20 October. Veronica Dragalin, chief prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) said at the time that a total of 55 searches were carried out.

The PA chief also said that during the searches 20 black bags with the same emblems” bearing district names were seized. In total, according to Veronica Dragalin, “about 3.5 million lei were collected from these bags”. The amounts collected include lei and dollars.

Since 18 September, members and supporters of the “Șor” party have been gathering every Sunday for “anti-government” protests in the centre of the capital. People, mostly elderly, have been brought to the protests from several districts of the country. After the first protest, several tents were set up in the alley in front of the parliament.

Protesters in rent
ZdG wrote how four of our reporters infiltrated the ranks of “Shor” party protesters on the eve of the September 18 rally in Chisinau. Three of the reporters, a few days after taking part in the protest, were paid 400 lei each by the people responsible for recruiting the protesters, the so-called “patratiste”. The money was received in various locations in Orhei, and the whole process was filmed and documented by ZdG.

Three of the reporters, a few days after taking part in the protest, were paid 400 lei each by the people responsible for recruiting the protesters, the so-called “patratiste”. The money was received in various locations in Orhei, and the whole process was filmed and documented by ZdG.

ZdG also identified some of the people in charge of recruiting and rewarding the people brought in, the so-called “patratiste” from Orhei. They include party activists, municipal councillors of the Shor Party, as well as employees of Orhei City Hall.