One of the deputies of former Prosecutor General Stoianoglo – candidate for the position of Chief of the Inspectorate of Prosecutors. The Superior Council of Prosecutors examined the files of the candidates for the post of Inspector
Examining in a closed session the files of candidates for the position of chief inspector and inspector within the Prosecutors’ Inspectorate, the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) found that the two former prosecutors who applied, Mircea Roșioru and Artur Reguș, met the eligibility conditions for the competition for the selection of candidates for the position of chief inspector. At the same time, the seven candidates for the position of inspector also met the conditions.
Two candidates applied for the position of Chief Inspector of the Inspectorate of Public Prosecutors: former prosecutor and inspector Mircea Roșioru and former prosecutor and lawyer Artur Reguș.
For the 8 inspector positions, they submitted their applications: former prosecutor and ex-judge Anatolie Galben, former judge and lawyer Yevgeny Sanduta, former prosecutor and former inspector Ghenadie Guritanu, former prosecution officer and consultant in the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office Ion Virlan, former prosecutor and consultant to prosecutors in the Orhei District Prosecutor’s Office Igor Esanu, former prosecutor and ex-inspector Mircea Rosioru and former prosecutor and ex-inspector Tudor Gratii.
The SCP has set February 20 as the date for the written test in the competition for the selection of inspectors in the Prosecutors’ Inspectorate, and March 14 – the date for the written test for the selection of the chief inspector.
Mircea Roșioru, former deputy of former Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo, was removed from prosecution at the end of 2021 in one of the cases brought against Stoianoglo. Rosioru was previously also the deputy of former prosecutors-general Eduard Harunjen and Dumitru Robu.
Artur Reguș was appointed in February 2022 as a member of the SCP’s Performance Review Commission for the then-suspended former Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo.
Anatolie Galben, a judge at the Chisinau Court of Appeal and member of the Superior Council of Magistracy, submitted his resignation from his position as magistrate a year ago, and it was approved on 14 February 2023.
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Evghenii Sanduța resigned as a judge of the Chisinau Court of Appeal at the end of 2016. He is also running for the position of member of the College for the selection and evaluation of judges.
Ghenadie Gurițanu worked in the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) until February 2022, after which he was appointed inspector. He also previously served as head of the Falesti District Prosecutor’s Office.
Ion Vîrlan has held the position of consultant prosecutor in the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office since 2019.
Igor Eșanu has been employed as a consultant to the prosecutor in Orhei since August 2023. Previously, he served as deputy chief prosecutor in Ialoveni.
Tudor Gratii was appointed to the Sîngerei District Prosecutor’s Office in 2008. From 2017-2021 he worked in the PCCCOCS, and from 2022 he was an inspector.
According to legislative changes, in force since August 2023, the Inspectorate of Prosecutors was transferred from the Prosecutor General’s Office to the Superior Council of Prosecutors as a body with functional autonomy. Thus, the Inspectorate of Public Prosecutors is a body under the SCP, consisting of 9 inspectors. The term of office of an inspector is 6 years. The inspector may be appointed for one term only. No prosecutors may be appointed to the position of inspector.
The position of inspector is appointed to a person, chosen by public competition, who meets the following conditions:
a) he/she holds a law degree or its equivalent;
b) has at least 10 years’ experience in the legal field;
c) has not previously been found guilty of a criminal offence;
d) he/she has an irreproachable reputation under the conditions laid down in Article 20(2). (2).
The Inspectorate of Public Prosecutions shall have the following powers:
- checks the work of prosecutors and the organisational activity of prosecutors’ offices;
- examines complaints about acts that may constitute disciplinary offences;
- investigates on its own initiative facts that may constitute disciplinary offences;
- submits the disciplinary file to the College of Discipline and Ethics, to the High Council of Prosecutors and to the courts with the right to appeal the decisions rendered under the law;
- carries out, at the request of the High Council of Prosecutors, checks on the independence and reputation of prosecutors;
- study the grounds for the rejection by the President of the Republic of Moldova of the candidate proposed by the High Council of Prosecutors for appointment to the office of Prosecutor General or, where appropriate, to the office of Acting Prosecutor General, with the submission of an information note to the High Council of Prosecutors;
- submits to the High Council of Prosecutors, by 31 March of the current year, the annual report on its activity in the previous year, which is published on the official website of the High Council of Prosecutors;
- has other duties provided for by law or the regulations governing its activities.
The inspector’s work is subject to evaluation every two years by the High Council of Prosecutors. The negatively evaluated inspector is relieved of his/her duties on the basis of the decision of the PSC.