Officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and anti-corruption prosecutors raided the cars and offices of employees of the National Public Security Inspectorate in a passive bribery case

Officers of the Internal Protection and Anti-Corruption Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (SPIA), together with prosecutors from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), South office, raided on Wednesday, February 22, with searches of the cars and work offices of some employees of the South Patrol Directorate of the National Public Security Inspectorate (INSP), suspected of committing the crime of passive bribery.
“The illegal actions of demanding, accepting and receiving money from drivers by INSP employees were documented over several months. The sums claimed ranged from 50 euros to 350 euros,” SPIA representatives announced.
So far, according to the SPIA, no person has been detained, but prosecutors will examine the material seized during the searches in order to make a decision.