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New arrests in Chisinau

Radu Lungu from Chişinău was arrested today for the second time after he was released and was getting I.V. (intravenous medication) because of the beatings he had gotten earlier in the week.
Radu’s lawyer told us that he was detained on 7 April and taken by the police to the Parliament’s garage, where he was cruelly beaten along with other young people. In about 2 hours he was transferred with a Mercedes to the police station in Buiucani, where he had his hands tied up with the belt of his own pants and kneeled down for several hours.
Radu said that he was beaten less than the others, because «I didn’t have a drawn flag on my cheek” and those who had a drawn flag were beaten until you can no longer see any trace of design.
During the night he was forced to sign some documents which he didn’t read, and in the morning he was allowed to leave, but they took away his ID as well as all the money he had- 50 lei.
As he got home, he felt sick because of beatings and was consulted by a doctor, who indicated perfusion daily.
Today, the Buiucani Prosecutor called him and asked him to come for a discussion. Radu asked if it is a summons and was told that «phone call is like a summons». He went to the station and was detained for 72 hours, being transferred to the General Police Station.
Radu’s lawyer said that he was not able today to get the needed medical assistance and can not possibly be get tomorrow either.
«The outrageous actions has gone beyond human understanding, human rights are violated like crazy, that’s why we will go to court with each particular case till the end,» argues lawyer Victor Panţâru.

N.B. This text was translated by our readers.