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Music Connecting Tour on the Ferry from Molovata on the Nistru River

The Music Connecting People project started on September 13, with an open-air concert at the Casa Karaman guesthouse in Ternovka village, close to Tiraspol on the left bank of the Nistru river. The European Union financed the project, through the E.U. Programme Confidence Promotion Measures implemented by UNDP Moldova.

The Moldovan National Youth Orchestra gave a classical music concert for the passengers from the Molovata ferry. Four young men played the violin, viola, and cello during the trip between the two sides of the Nistru River. The musicians played some pieces from Bach and Mozart, as well as some of Michael Jackson and Sting’s songs. 

Although they may not have understood what was going on, the travelers enjoyed listening to live music. 

Through this recital the Moldovan National Youth Orchestra announced the launch of a big-scale project, financed by the European Union, aiming to bring the two sides of the Nistru river closer.

This unusual promotion initiative using live music announces a very rich program, under which culture and music will draw different communities closer. The European Union is very proud to be part of this initiative. As Albert Camus said – without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future,” notes Fabien Schaeffer, Project Manager of the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova.

Music is the best way to get people closer and the best instrument to facilitate communication. We are glad that nine out of ten concerts will be organized on the left side of the Nistru River,” says the Director of the Moldovan National Youth Orchestra, Andriano Marian.

The Music Connecting People tour will consist of ten concerts within ten months, of which nine will be conducted on the left side of the Nistru river. As musicians will travel to each community and back to Chișinău, they will cover almost 2,500 kilometers. About 100 musicians from both sides of the Nistru River, from the E.U., the U.S.A., Ukraine, and Russia are involved.