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Mural Painting under Chisinau Bridge to Mark National Touristic Campaign in Moldova

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A mural painting under one of Chisinau’s bridges marks the national campaign of relaunching domestic tourism in Moldova. The work of art promoted under the  #NeamPornit (in English language #Let’sGo) hashtag represents a symbiosis between the country’s visual identity brand, the “Tree of Life”, and endangered flora/fauna species of Moldova.

The muralist artist Dmitri Potapov used 3.3 tons of paint and up to 3,800 square meters for the painting’s execution.

The head of the Investment Agency, the company promoting tourism in Moldova, claims that as a result of the #NeamPornit domestic tourism Campaign, the number of citizens who visited local areas increased significantly. Thus, since the beginning of the campaign over 4,000 tourists have visited 700 locations included on the map

Some of the  #NeamPornit national Campaign’s Partners include USAID, The Swedish Embassy in Moldova, and UKAid.