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More than 1,700 Detainees will be Amnestied. The Draft Law was Voted by the Deputies in the First Reading

The draft law on amnesty in connection with the 30th anniversary of the independence of Moldova was approved on Thursday, December 9, in the first reading, with the vote of 73 deputies.

1723 detainees fall under the amnesty, 67 of whom will be liable to immediate release, and in the case of the others, parole could be applied before term or release after the term reduction.

“The bill seeks to reintegrate persons deprived of their liberty into society, by preventing and repairing the damage suffered due to poor detention conditions, but also to depopulate detention institutions and to free prosecutors and courts of law from the cases that need to be examined,” said one of the authors of the project, the vice-president of the Legal, Appointments and Immunities Commission, Veronica Roșca.

The act of amnesty may not be applied to persons who have committed particularly or exceptionally serious crimes, as well as corruption and corruption-related offenses.

However, taking into account the fact that some of the persons in question have already served long terms of detention, according to the draft law, it is proposed that the criminal punishment imposed on them be partially reduced, with certain exceptions set out in the draft.

According to the document, a special commission will be set up to look into amnesty cases. In this regard, the National Administration of Penitentiaries will present to the Commission the list of convicts who fall under this law. Subsequently, steps will be taken to the competent courts to apply a solution, such as an acquittal or a reduction of the sentence of the convict.