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More than 1.6 Million Euros Seized and Transferred to the State Budget

The Prosecutor’s Office announced that the truck driver, who in April 2020 was stopped at the Moldovan border while transporting undeclared 1.6 million euros, was sentenced to three years in semi-opened prison, with a conditionally suspended regime for two years. The money was transferred to the state budget.

The Prosecutor’s Office announced that the truck driver, who in April 2020 was stopped at the Moldovan border while transporting undeclared 1.6 million euros, was sentenced to three years in semi-opened prison, with a conditionally suspended regime for two years. The confiscated money was transferred to the state budget.

The prosecutors will appeal the sentence and ask for four years imprisonment, with a real serving sentence, and to confiscate the truck that costs around 15,000 euros.

On April 18, 2020, the Customs Service found packages full of undeclared money in a truck that tried to cross the Moldovan borders. According to the procedures, the truck, which was coming from Romania, was subjected to checks, and during the control, the customs officers found in the driver’s cab several packages and boxes of 20 and 50 euro banknotes of undeclared money, amounting to more than 1.5 million euros. A few days later, in addition to the 1.5 million euros, after a new check, the prosecutors announced that they found several more tens of thousands of euros.