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Moldova’s Commitments at the Nairobi Summit

The Global Summit 25 in Nairobi, Kenya, organized by the United Nations Population Fund (U.N.F.P.A.) ended on November 14, with the states assuming commitments on arrears to fulfill their previous obligations on population status. Moldova has taken a number of actions for the next 10 years.

The International Conference on Population and Development 25 summit in Nairobi lasted for three days and marked 25 years since the International Conference in Cairo, in which 179 governments of the world, including Moldova, made commitments on eliminating the most serious problems for the population. The arrears of those unfulfilled commitments have now been transformed into new ones, which should be realized by 2030.

At the Nairobi Summit members of the Parliament and the Government represented Moldova. They presented a number of commitments that should improve the lives of all citizens, eliminate problems related to the development of young people, reproductive health, aging of the population. The commitments are due by 2030.

Among the commitments made by Moldova are:

  • improving family planning,
  • reducing the number of pregnancies in adolescence
  • ensuring sex education for young people
  • access for people with disabilities to medical and social services,
  • reducing maternal mortality,
  • limiting domestic violence,
  • addressing the demographic structure and
  • ensuring a quality life for all generations,
  • creation and support of youth centers in districts,
  • creating a fund for young people that would support the most vulnerable

Asked by ZdG, Alanna Armitage, director of U.N.F.P.A.’s office for Central and Eastern Europe, regarding unstable democracies, frequent changes of governments and how the implementation of commitments could be affected, she said that the commitments are assumed by the entire state. on behalf of all citizens and these should be respected by all present and future governments. 

In the cover image: the speech of Adrian Băluțel, State Secretary in the field of youth and sport, at the ICPD25 summit on November 13, 2019