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Moldova Will Change to Winter Time, According to the UN And European Economic Commission

The Moldovan Government issued a note on Thursday, announcing that Moldova will switch to winter time on the last Sunday of October.

A message posted on the Government’s Facebook page mentions that the clocks will be turned back on the night of October 24 to 25. Then the clocks will go back one hour, 3:00 will become 2:00. It will be the longest day of the year, with 25 hours.

“In accordance with the proposal of the UN European Economic Commission and with the EU member states, the Government of Moldova announces – on October 25, 2020, the last Sunday of October, at 3.00, the “winter” time by transferring the hands of the clock one hour back – 3:00 becomes 2:00,” mentioned the Government.

What will happen to winter time

The European Parliament voted in 2019 to abandon the summer and winter time system, in which the European population adjusts clocks by one hour every spring and autumn.

The measure will be implemented from 2021, and until then, the EU member states must decide whether they want to stay in winter or summer time. Many of the states have instituted shift hours during the 1970s oil crisis to take more advantage of daylight in the summer and save energy.