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Moldova to Implement the Clean Water for Cahul Project with the Support of the European Union

Moldova and the German Bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau signed an agreement to implement the European Union (EU) for Moldova: Clean Water for Cahul project, amounting to €10 million (grant), intended for the rehabilitation and expansion of water supply and sewerage infrastructure in the Cahul region of southern Moldova.

Moldova represented by the Ministry of Finance, the German Bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the Municipality of Cahul signed the agreement for the implementation of the grant and the European Union (EU) for Moldova: Clean Water for Cahul project, amounting to €10 million (grant), intended for the rehabilitation and expansion of water supply and sewerage infrastructure in the Cahul region of southern Moldova.

This Agreement represents a transfer of funds, dedicated to the implementation of the project, made available to Moldova by the EU under the Annual Action Program of the EU in Moldova for 2019.

The German Bank KfW provided the money under the Agreement contribution between the EU and KfW of 19 December 2019.

The agreement in question is meant to co-finance the Water supply and sewerage in Cahul district project financed under the Financing and Project Agreement concluded on August 1, 2018, between KfW, Moldova and the Municipality of Cahul, according to which the Government of Germany (through KfW) granted a grant of €23.5 million to Moldova.

The municipality of Cahul and the South Regional Development Agency will implement the project. The deadline for disbursement of grant resources is December 30, 2024.

This project will bring tangible direct results to the population of the Cahul region, by minimizing health risks and improving environmental protection, by reducing water pollution and groundwater conservation in southern Moldova in accordance with the Danube River Basin Management Plan -the Prut and the Black Sea and the smarter use of natural resources.